Assassin’s Creed Shadows: Should you confront Otama or Wakasa?

Joey Carr

Joey Carr

Otama and Wakasa both seem guilty, so which one should you confront?

During the Searching Sakai quest in Assassin's Creed Shadows, you have to attend a tea celebration and meet with other like-minded women as Naoe. However, one of these women was at the scene where Naoe's father was killed, and it's your job to deduce who it was. In the end, the game makes you confront either Otama or Wakasa in Assassin's Creed Shadows, forcing you to choose who you think Naoe's father's killer is.

In the guide below, you can see the outcomes of confronting either Otama or Wakasa and which choice you should ultimately make.

Confronting Otama in Assassin's Creed Shadows

Choosing to confront either Otama or Wakasa. Screenshot by
Choosing to confront either Otama or Wakasa. Screenshot by

If you choose to confront Otama in Assassin's Creed Shadows, you'll find that she was not, in fact, at the scene where Naoe's father died during the opening part of the game. However, Otama does spill the beans about Wakasa, who turns out to be the guilty party you were looking for all along.

After you speak with Otama, you'll find that Wakasa has fled to a nearby castle. This starts the "Defensive Position" quest and requires you to go to and assassinate Wakasa. This can be slightly difficult as Wakasa is located at the top of a tower, is level 12, and features three separate health bars. You are able to sneak up behind her for some free assassination damage, but you won't be able to kill her outright.

When you defeat Wakasa, a cutscene will trigger that shows her brutal death and Naoe heads back to the Hideout.

Confronting Wakasa in Assassin's Creed Shadows

If you choose to confront Wakasa in Assassin's Creed Shadows, you'll make the right decision as this is one of the people who was responsible for Naoe's father's death. Wakasa was actually the one who shot Naoe's father as he was charging in to make his final stand.

Going to assassinate Wakasa. Screenshot by
Going to assassinate Wakasa. Screenshot by

By confronting Wakasa in the courtyard of the tea celebration in Sakai, you still have to follow Wakasa in the Defensive Position quest and assassinate her. Naturally, you have to defeat Wakasa just as you would if you confronted Otama and followed Wakasa to her castle. Killing Wakasa here leads to another cutscene where Naoe gets her revenge and once again heads back to the Hideout.

Who should you confront in Assassin's Creed Shadows?

It's really up to you who you want to confront, but you will guess correctly if you choose to confront Wakasa. Otama had nothing to do with Naoe's father's death, so confronting her really serves no purpose.

In the end, your choice doesn't matter too much as the end result is the same in Assassin's Creed Shadows.

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