Ready to jump into Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2? Here are all the new weapons and items added to the gam in its newest season.
Fortnite's newest season, Chapter 6 Season 2: Lawless, is officially here. Players can now jump off the Battle Bus and explore the new island. With new locations, Battle Pass skins, and more, players have been anticipating the new season since we turned over to Chapter 6 back in late 2024. What about new weapons and items, though?
Here are all the new weapons and items in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2: Lawless!

New weapons and items in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1: Lawless!
Below is a list of every new weapon and item added to Fortnite in Chapter 6 Season 1:
- Thermite
- Plasma Burst Laser
- Rocket Drill
- Collateral Damage Assault Rifle
- Falcon Eye Sniper
- Outlaw Shotgun
- Pump & Dump
- The Kneecapper
- Port-A-Cover
- Pulse Scanner
- Med-Mist Grenade
- Sub-Zero's Kombat Kit

New weapons in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2
While we may have listed all the new weapons and items above, it is still important to break down every new weapon added to the game.
Below is each new weapon added to Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2 and what they do:
Thermite is a new explosive players can find littered around the island. This weapon can be used to take down builds and players while also being used to take out vault doors.
Plasma Burst Laser
Just like how it sounds, the Plasma Burst Laser is a weapon that shoots a plasma laser at enemies who confront the user wielding it.

Rocket Drill (coming soon)
The Rocket Drill has not been added to the game yet. However, it will be later this season. This weapon is great for drilling through builds, vaults, and players.
Collateral Damage Assault Rifle
A new Fortnite season would not be complete without a brand-new assault rifle. The Collateral Damage Assault Rifle is the game's newest addition to the assault rifle family and can be found littered throughout the island as floor loot and in chests.
Falcon Eye Sniper
The Falcon Eye Sniper will take out any player whose head gets in the way of this weapon's piercing bullet. Found throughout the island, this gun is not one you want to get hit by.
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Outlaw Shotgun (coming soon)
The Outlaw Shotgun has not joined the game yet, but will be later on this season. Make sure to look out for it.
Pump & Dump (coming soon)
The Pump & Dump may not join the game until later in Season 2, but this weapon has already excited quite a few players. Known as a dual-wielding weapon, players will be able to hold a shotgun in one hand and an smg in the other.
And yes, it only takes up one weapon slot.
The Kneecapper
The Kneecapper is the final weapon being added to Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2: Lawless! This melee weapon is great for, well, taking out other players' knees.
You do not want to be on the reciving end of this weapon.
New items in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2: Lawless!
Below is a list of every new item in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2:
We have had Port-A-Bunkers and Port-A-Forts, but now we we have Port-A-Covers, which give players immediate cover when in a fight.
Pulse Scanner
The Pulse Scanner is the newest enemy-detection item added to Fortnite, as it will allow players to scan the surrounding area for other players.
This will be perfect when trying to explore vaults and other buildings.

Med-Mist Grenade
The Med-Mist Grenade is the game's newest addition when it comes to health items. Throw this bad boy on the ground and the mist that erupts from it will heal you quickly.
Gold Splash
The newest splash item added to the game is the Gold Spash. When throw on a player, this item grants 20 health and Gold Rush. What's Gold Rush? This new ability gives players increased speed when running and swinging their pickaxe.
It also makes pickaxes do more damage to structures.
Stay tuned to for more Fortnite and esports news.