How to fix Discord Yellow border – Workaruond and Updates



The Discord Yellow Border issue has a fix. And a workaround.

Discord users around the world have been reporting instances of a yellow border on their application. Seemingly innocuous, this yellow border isn’t really easy to ignore and many … everyone wants it gone. 

What is the Discord Yellow border issue?

The latest Discord update seems to have caused the Yellow border problem for users. The Discord Yellow Border issue mostly props up when users are streaming or screen sharing. 

Image Credit: Reddit user Kylemnb-
Image Credit: Reddit user Kylemnb-

The issue seems to occur mostly when users are trying to capture or share their screen. For example if users are watching the recently launched YouTube viewing on Discord, it sometimes resulted in a Yellow border.

The Yellow border started appearing for users shortly after the recent Discord update. The latest update allows users to play games and watch YouTube together.

While Discord is primarily a chatting app, the application has evolved over the past few years. There are massive communities on Discord with users sharing similar interests across gaming, entertainment and more. 

How to solve the Discord Yellow border?

  • Restart Discord
  • Update your Discord to the latest version
  • Ensure your windows is updated to the latest version
  • If the above steps don't solve the issue, share your screen in fullscreen mode

We are using a new form of graphics capture. However, on older versions of windows (windows 10) specifically, this graphics capture interface would make the window being captured having a yellow border. On windows 11, it does not have the yellow border. We had a bug in the code that was not detecting this appropriately. For now, we are rolling back this new capture interface, so that we can fix this issue, so in around ~30 minutes we should have this fix deployed to the stable client - and the yellow borders will be gone following a reload of your client. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Discord Dev - ReallyAmused

The issue was mainly due to the update moving Discord to a new system. The new form of graphics capture, however, caused issues with older versions of Windows resulting in a yellow border.