If you need the different Palworld World Settings explained to you, then look no further as you set up your custom island in the game.
If you're booting up Palworld for the first time, or want to try something new in the creature collection survival game, then the World Settings are your best friend. These let you customize your experience in a variety of ways.
There are the basic settings that involve difficulty and multiplayer functionality. Then it gets a bit deeper when you open up the Custom Settings option. We'll walk you through all of them so you know exactly what you're adjusting before you create your world.
All Palworld World Settings and what they do
There are three basic settings you'll start with:
- World Name: This one is easy. Type in the name of your world.
- Multiplayer: Toggle if multiplayer is or isn't allowed in your world.
- Difficulty: Select from four difficulty settings.
- Casual for those new to survival games
- Normal for survival game regulars
- Hard for survival game veterans
- Custom for an adventure like no other
Each difficulty setting in the Palworld World Settings changes how fast you gain EXP, how easy you can catch Pals, and what happens to your inventory when you die. Customizing these settings can make your time in Palworld as easy or as terrifying as you'd like.
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Custom Settings

Now, we'll go over the customizable World Settings in Palworld and explain what each one does:
- Day Time Speed: Shortens or lengthens day time
- Night Time Speed: Shortens or lengthens night time
- EXP Rate: How quickly or slowly you gain EXP
- Pal Capture Rate: How easy or hard it is to capture Pals
- Pal Appearance Rate: How many wild Pals will appear on the map at one time
- Damage from Pals multiplier: How hard-hitting Pals will be
- Damage to Pals multiplier: How much damage Pals will take when attacked
- Pal Hunger Depletion: How quickly or slowly your Pals get hungry
- Pal Stamina Reduction Rate: How quickly or slowly your Pals lose stamina
- Pal Auto Health Regeneration Rate: How quickly or slowly your Pals regenerate health
- Pal Sleep Health Regeneration Rate: How quickly or slowly your Pals will be back to full health when put in the Palbox
- Damage from Player multiplier: How much damage real players can do
- Damage to Player multiplier: How much damage real players will take
- Player Hunger Depletion Rate: How quickly or slowly players get hungry
- Player Stamina Reduction Rate: How quickly or slowly players lose stamina
- Player Auto Health Regeneration Rate: How quickly or slowly players regenerate health out of battle
- Player Sleep Health Regeneration Rate: How much health players regenerate when they go to sleep
- Damage to Structure multiplier: How much damage is dealt from players and Pals to structures
- Structure Deterioration Rate: How quickly or slowly your structures will deteriorate over time
- Maximum number of dropped items in a world: How many items can be dropped in the world at any given time
- Gatherable Items multiplier: How quickly or slowly you or your Pals will gather resources
- Gatherable Objects Health multiplier: How quickly or slowly resource nodes can be broken
- Gatherable Objects Respawn Interval: How quickly or slowly resource nodes respawn
- Dropped Items Multiplier: Amount of dropped items from resource nodes
- Time to incubate Massive Egg: How quickly or slowly Massive Eggs hatch
- Enable Raid Events: On or Off to decide if bases can be randomly raided
- Death Penalty: What happens to your inventory when you die
- No drops
- Drop all items except equipment
- Drop all items
- Drop all items and all Pals on team
- Max number of guilds: The total amount of guilds players can create in the world
- Max Pals Working at Base: The total amount of Pals you can have assigned to a base for work at any given time
Stay tuned to esports.gg for more esports news and Palworld coverage.