Dislyte Esper Pop Quiz Liam answers

Amy Chen

Amy Chen

The question for Day 1 is likely an error. Here is what’s going on.

Liam (Xolotl) will soon enter Dislyte as a five-star Esper. Ahead of this character's arrival, players get to participate in an Esper Pop Quiz event. Read on for all of the Dislyte Liam quiz answers.

Dislyte Liam quiz answers (Image via Lilith Games)
Dislyte Liam quiz answers (Image via Lilith Games)

Dislyte Liam quiz answers

The answer to "Which mythology is Xolotl from?" is C) Aztec. Previously, the question was "Which mythology is Bai Ze from?" However, this was an error made by the Dislyte team. The error was fixed hours after the quiz event went live. Next, the answer to "Who is Liam the twin brother of?" is A) Valeria. Finally, the answer to "Which faction does Liam belong to?" is C) The Wanderers.

  • Day 1 - Dislyte Esper Pop Quiz Liam Answer: Aztec
  • Day 2 - Dislyte Esper Pop Quiz Liam Answer: Valeria
  • Day 3 - Dislyte Esper Pop Quiz Liam Answer: The Wanderers
Liam (Xolotl) screenshot (Image via Lilith Games)
Liam (Xolotl) screenshot (Image via Lilith Games)

Liam Esper Pop Quiz

To enter the Esper Pop Quiz event, launch the mobile game and tap on the "Event" icon. Next, press the "Esper Pop Quiz" tab. If you choose the correct answer, then you'll receive a Gold Record on the next day.  If you answer the question incorrectly, then you'll still get a reward. This will be 100 Nexus Crystals.

While you're on the same screen, remember to complete the event missions. This is because they grant you free items. These items include Stamina, Starimon, and Abilimon. You can also claim some gold as a daily reward just for logging in.

Liam (Xolotl) abilities

In the Dislyte, Liam is a Defender Esper. His abilities are Life Slash, Berserk, and Bloody Lament. Since he's a Flow unit, he's powerful against Inferno units and weak against Wind ones. According to the Dislyte team, he's also skilled at single-target attacks.

Below are all of Liam's abilities in detail, as stated by the latest patch notes:

Ability Name
Life Slash (Ability 1)Life Slash: Deals damage to 1 enemy 2 times based on Liam's ATK and DEF. Reduces the enemy's Max HP Capacity. Heals the ally with the lowest HP.
Berserk (Ability 2)Berserk: Increases C. RATE. Gains 1 stack of Gemini when Liam or his allies cast basic abilities. When Liam defeats an enemy, revives 1 random ally, restoring their HP by a certain percentage of their Max HP (triggers once per battle).

Gemini: Increases Liam's SPD and DEF. Stackable. Won't be removed in subsequent rounds.
Bloody Lament (Ability 3)Bloody Lament: Grants C. DMG Up to Liam and the ally with the highest ATK. Dispels their debuffs. Grants Haven to Liam. Grants Vigilant to the ally. Liam gains a bonus turn after casting this ability. This ability's cooldown won't be affected by any abilities.

Haven: Increases the carrier's DEF. When the carrier actively casts their basic ability, calls in an ally with Vigilant to perform an Assist Attack with their basic ability.

Vigilant: Increases the carrier's ATK. When the carrier actively casts their basic ability, calls in an ally with Haven to perform an Assist Attack with their basic ability.

That's all for now. Stick around on esports.gg for more news and updates.