Best cards to pull in Pokémon TCG Pocket

Bryson Maddock

Bryson Maddock

Looking for a list of the best and strongest cards to pull in Pokémon TCG Pocket?

Pokémon TCG Pocket has taken the mobile gaming world by storm. While not as popular as Pokémon GO, the game still has already grabbed the hearts of many mobile gamers with a huge player base in just a few days. Here are the best and strongest cards to pull in Pokémon TCG Pocket.

Strongest Pokémon TCG Pocket cards

Need a list of the strongest Pokémon TCG Pocket cards? While the game has quite a few unique and strong cards, only a few can be crowned as the best.

Here is our list of the best and strongest Pokémon TCG Pocket cards to pull.

Charizard EX

Surprised to see a Charizard card on this list? I'm assuming not. Charizard EX is a heavily sought-after card in the real world and Pokémon TCG Pocket. Not only is the card insanely cool, but it is also incredibly rare and powerful.

Creating a fire deck around Charizard EX is perfect for taking on various other types, especially Grass-type. The Pokémon's Crimson Storm move does 200 damage, which is sure to take out any opponent.

The card can be found in the Charizard packs and has a .222% pull rate.

Pikachu EX

Pikachu EX is a must-have if you are planning on building an Electric-type deck. Not only is this card's design incredibly slick, but for only two energy, the Pokémon can do upwards of 90 damage per attack.

The only downside to Pikachu EX is the fact that its HP is only at 120. Still, though, its Circle Circuit move does 30 damage for each benched Pokémon you have, which should not be difficult to fill up.

The card can be found in the Pikachu packs and has a .888% pull rate.

Mewtwo EX

Want to build a Psychic-type deck? Then you need Mewtwo EX in your arsenal. With 150 HP, this card's Psydrive move does 150 damage to your opponent. The downside? You have to discard two energy from the Pokémon each time you use it.

Don't fear, however, Mewtwo's second move does 50 damage with only two energy required, meaning you can still fight while you build your energy count back up.

The card can be found in Mewtwo packs and has a .222% pull rate.

Starmie EX

The last one on our list of the best and strongest Pokémon to pull in the new TCG Pocket game is Starmie EX. With 130 HP, this Pokémon does 90 damage every time it uses its Hydro Splash move, which only requires two energy.

Despite the other ones listed, Starmie does require an evolution from Staryu, which should not be too difficult if you build the correct deck.

The card can be found in the Charizard packs and has a .222% pull rate.

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