Looking for a way to use the bulky Grass-type tortoise in Pokémon TCG Pocket? Here’s a solid Torterra deck you can try!
This Torterra deck in Pokémon TCG Pocket can man up against strong damage dealers and retaliate with devastating attacks.
Torterra is a solid tank that can survive a turn after getting hit with moves that can usually one-hit KO most Pokémon in the game, such as Palkia ex’s Dimensional Storm and Mewtwo’s Psydrive.
However, the thing that makes Torterra an imposing Pokémon in the field is its move Frenzy Plant, which can deal 150 damage with the handicap of making Torterra useless in the next turn.
With Torterra being a Stage 2 Pokémon and its move requiring four Energies, this Pokémon definitely needs a sidekick that can buy some time before it gets online in the game.
Enter Exeggutor ex, a fellow bulky Pokémon that can work with Torterra to build a formidable Grass-type deck in Pokémon TCG Pocket.
Torterra-Exeggutor ex deck list
- x2 Turtwig
- x2 Grotle
- x2 Torterra
- x2 Exeggcute (Genetic Apex, Charizard Pac)
- x2 Exeggutor ex
- x2 Professor’s Research
- x1 Cyrus
- x2 Erika
- x1 Poké Ball
- x2 Pokémon Communication
- x2 Rocky Helmet
How to play Torterra deck in Pokémon TCG Pocket

Prioritize playing Exeggcute as your Active Pokémon and put your Turtwig on the Bench spot.
Your goal in the early game is to evolve your Exeggcute and let Exeggutor ex wreak havoc on your opponent’s low HP Pokémon. While you’re at it, reserve at least four Energies for each of your Turtwig, develop them into Grotle, and then Torterra.
Since it’s impractical to pay for Exeggutor ex’s Retreat cost, you should keep on playing this Pokémon until it gets Knocked Out. By that time, Exeggutor should have taken down at least two of your opponent’s Pokémon, which makes Torterra your main cleanup guy.
Use your Torterra to revenge KO the opposing Active Pokémon, giving you enough points to win the battle.
Other notable cards
To maximize Torterra and Exeggutor’s capabilities, you’ll also need the following cards in the deck apart from the usual draw engines:
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Pokémon Communication

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Rocky Helmet

Attach a Rocky Helmet to your Exeggcute ex so it can deal extra damage while absorbing attacks from your opponent’s Active Pokémon.
Strong against
Torterra can achieve victories against decks with low-HP Pokémon, even if they can deal lots of damage in the early game. Once your Torterra is ready, all it needs is a single turn to take out one Pokémon.
Weak against
A Charizard ex deck completely counters Torterra not only due to the type disadvantage but also because Charizard ex is the only Pokémon so far with a move that deals 200 damage.
Stay tuned to esports.gg for more Pokémon TCG Pocket deck builds and announcements.