Yveltal Pokémon GO Raid Guide: Weakness and counters

Tom Bull

Tom Bull

This powerful Flying-type is back in Raids.

Yveltal is back in Pokémon GO Raids from June 19 until June 28. Unfortunately, Yveltal will not have its powerful Legacy Move Oblivion Wing.

With that powerful move, Yveltal is a pretty hard hitting Pokémon in the Flying-type category. If you have an Elite TM to spare, or have a Yveltal with that move you want to power up, it is worth taking on some of these Raids.

Yveltal can also be Shiny, which is always a nice bonus.

Here is everything you need to know to take on Yveltal in Pokémon GO.

Best Yveltal counters in Pokémon GO:

Yveltal has a weakness to Electric, Fairy, Ice and Rock-type moves. It double resists Ground and Psychic, as well as single resists Dark, Ghost and Grass-types.

With four weaknesses, there are a lot of potential Pokémon you can pick from to take on this raid. Here are the best Yveltal counters in Pokémon GO:

Mega Diancie
Rock Throw & Rock Slide
Mega Gardevoir
Charm & Dazzling Gleam
Mega Rayquaza
Dragon Tail & Dragon Ascent
Thunder Shock & Discharge
Mega Tyranitar
Smack Down & Stone Edge
Mega Manectric
Thunder Fang & Wild Charge
Charge Beam & Fusion Bolt
Mega Aerodactyl
Rock Throw & Rock Slide
Therian Forme Thundurus
Volt Switch & Wildbolt Storm
Tapu Koko
Volt Switch & Natures Madness
Smack Down & Rock Slide
Smack Down & Rock Wrecker

There are lots of Pokémon you can pick from for this Raid that are either easily accessible or have been in raids recently.

Rhyperior, Rampardos, Mega Tyranitar and Mega Gardevoir are all really accessible Yveltal counters in Pokémon GO.

Mega Diancie was also made avaliable to all Trainers recently too. All in all, getting a team together to take on Yveltal in Pokémon GO shouldn't be too difficult.

Mega Evolutions to get you more Yveltal candy in Pokémon GO

Mega Evolutions can help you get more candy and XL candy with every catch. Having a mega level 3 active that boosts candy for Dark and Flying-types will give you an extra 2 candy per catch, as well as a 25% bonus to your XL candy chance.

Here are the Pokémon you can Mega Evolve to get more Yveltal candy in Pokémon GO:

  • Gyarados
  • Houndoom
  • Tyranitar
  • Absol
  • Pidgeot
  • Pinsir
  • Aerodactyl
  • Salamence
  • Rayquaza

Mega Rayquaza or Mega Tyranitar (with Rock moves, not Dark) are the best choices for this Raid. They will counter Yveltal's weaknesses as well as boost the candy and XP you get after the raid.

How many trainers do I need to beat Yveltal in Pokémon GO?

Yveltal is a reasonably difficult Pokémon to take on in Pokémon GO. The absolute minimum is three Trainers with Party Power and good counters. However, ideally aim for a group of 4-5 Trainers to take on Yveltal in Pokémon GO.

Lower level trainers should look for at least 7 Trainers to be safe.

What is the Yveltal Pokémon GO 100% IV?

Here are the CP values to keep an eye out for to know if you have a 100% IV Yveltal in Pokémon GO.

  • 2160 CP
  • 2701 CP (Weather boosted)

Weather Effects:

Weather boost can help you save candy, get better IVs and benefit from power boosts on your team. Here are the weather effects to keep an eye on when taking on these raids.

WindyYveltal will be a higher CP when caught.Yveltal's Flying-type moves will be boosted.
Partly CloudyYour Rock-type Pokémon will be boosted.-
CloudyYour Fairy-type Pokémon will be boosted.-
SnowYour Ice-type Pokémon will be boosted.-
RainyYour Electric-type Pokémon will be boosted.-
FogYveltal will be a higher CP when caught.Yveltal's Dark-type moves will be boosted.

Keep an eye out for Foggy or Windy weather in Pokémon GO when trying to take on this Yveltal Raid. This will yield you a higher CP Yveltal after the battle is over.

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