What maps are in rotation? VALORANT Episode 10 Act 1 map pool

Curious about what VALORANT maps are currently in rotation? Look no further for the current map pool, so you know what to expect!

Brandon Moore

Brandon Moore

esports.gg Valorant Game Page

VALORANT Smite 2.0 Bundle: Skins, price, and release date

Fans may get their wish if the leaks are to be believed that a Smite 2.0 weapon bundle is on its way to VALORANT.

Brandon Moore

Brandon Moore

esports.gg Valorant Game Page

VALORANT Cyrax Bundle: Skins, price, and release date

The VALORANT Cyrax Bundle is coming with Season 2025 // Act 2 and it brings some fan-favorite weapons to its collection.

Brandon Moore

Brandon Moore

esports.gg Valorant Game Page

Meteor VALORANT crosshair and settings

If you want to lock down sites like Meteor, then we’ve got his crosshair and general settings in VALORANT for you to copy.

Brandon Moore

Brandon Moore

esports.gg Valorant Game Page

CHICHOO’s VALORANT crosshair and settings

Do you want to play like a pro and try something new? Check out EDG CHICHOO’s crosshair and settings in VALORANT!

Sofia Guimarães

Sofia Guimarães

esports.gg Valorant Game Page

Smoggy VALORANT crosshair and settings

If you want to use the settings of a world champion VALORANT player, look no further than EDG star Smoggy and his crosshair.

Brandon Moore

Brandon Moore

esports.gg Valorant Game Page

Leaf’s VALORANT crosshair and keybind settings

Cloud9’s Valorant player, Leaf is all set to impress at VCT LOCK//IN Sao Paolo.



esports.gg Valorant Game Page

HYUNMIN VALORANT crosshair and settings

HYUNMIN is currently DRX’s Duelist, and his performance in VCT Pacific has everyone looking for his VALORANT settings.

Brandon Moore

Brandon Moore

esports.gg Valorant Game Page