If you want to lock down sites like Meteor, then we’ve got his crosshair and general settings in VALORANT for you to copy.
If you're reading this, it is probably because Kim "Meteor" Tae-oh is popping off on the international stage. At the time of writing, the Masters winner with Gen.G currently plays for T1. He's still fragging out, so naturally, you might want to copy Meteor's settings and crosshair in VALORANT.
If that's the case, look no further. We've got you covered.
Meteor VALORANT settings
We'll start with Meteor's basic settings in VALORANT. From his graphics to make your game look like his to his mouse to make your aim work like his, here you go:
- Resolution: 1920x1080
- Aspect Ratio: 16:9
- Aspect Ratio Method: Letterbox
- Display Mode: Fullscreen
- Multithreaded Rendering: On
- Material Quality: Low
- Texture Quality: Low
- Detail Quality: Low
- UI Quality: Low
- Vignette: Off
- VSync: Off
- Anti-Aliasing: MSAA 4x
- Anisotropic Filtering: 8x
- Improve Clarity: Off
- Experimental Sharpening: Off
- Bloom: On
- Distortion: Off
- Cast Shadows: Off
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- DPI: 800
- Sensitivity: 0.3
- Scoped Sensitivity: 1.15
- eDPI: 240.00
- Hz: 4000
- Windows Sensitivity: 6
- Raw Input Buffer: On
Meteor VALORANT crosshair settings
If you want your aim to reflect that of Meteor's even more, you can copy his crosshair settings in VALORANT. We've got the crosshair code for you, followed by the settings of the reticle:
- Color: White
- Outlines: Off
- Center Dot: Off
- Show Inner Lines: On
- Inner Line Opacity: 1
- Inner Line Length: 3
- Inner Line Thickness: 2
- Inner Line Offset: 2
- Movement Error: off
- Firing Error: Off
- Show Outer Lines: Off
We'll have to warn you that simply using the same settings as Meteor in VALORANT doesn't mean you'll play like him. You still have to put in the work to improve your skills, just as he did to become a Masters winner and top name in the Pacific league.
Stay tuned to esports.gg for more esports news and VALORANT coverage.