Move at the speed of light and bring your opponents to a snail’s crawl with our guide on how to play Waylay in VALORANT.
Waylay is Agent 28 in VALORANT. She arrived after an awesome reveal during the VALORANT Masters Bangkok Grand Final broadcast. And the Duelist, with her light-based abilities, looks to shake up the meta immediately.
From space-taking to disruption, she's got a lot of skills that will be dangerous in the right hands. Let's take a look at everything you need to know about her and guide you through what it takes to top frag as Waylay.
Is Waylay good in VALORANT?
When a new Agent arrives, everyone assumes they'll either completely suck or be overpowered beyond belief. In the case of Waylay, it actually appears that she's pretty balanced at the start of her life in VALORANT.
She can dash in and create space her team, stop pushes in their tacks with some of her utility, and had incredible sustainability. So, to answer the question, yes, Waylay is very good in VALORANT if you know what you're doing.
Key points about Waylay
- While the first dash of her Light Speed ability can go upwards, it doesn't have to. You can use it to double dash in to a site, dash in to get info and back out, or even to dash up and then dash down to the ground quickly to get over an obstacle.
- Just because she is fast doesn't mean you need to be. He Saturate ability can affect her if you rush towards an enemy too quickly. Get in the area of effect before it goes out and you'll be Hindered.
- Refract does not have a minimum or maximum distance, but it does have a timer. Use it before it runs out to zoom back to the original point.
- Use her alongside Breach, Fade, and any Controller Agent. Capitalize on the stuns and blinds, as well as take space into your team's smokes.
Waylay abilities in VALORANT

Waylay has four abilities in VALORANT. She does not come with a passive, but she does have a rechargeable signature. Then of course, you've got the two abilities to buy and the Ultimate that is used once enough charges are obtained.

- Cost: Free
- Uses: Start with one, regain it every two kills
Refract is the signature ability for Waylay. Press the corresponding button for the ability and it immediately places down a beacon. Before the timer runs out, press the button again to travel back to the beacon as a mote of light, with invulnerability during travel.
Here are some tips to use it:
- Be careful where you put it, as enemies can find it and camp for you there or send utility to hurt you once you revert back to the beacon.
- Use it alongside a Controller or Initiator player as they throw utility towards the site. This can be done to set up a great fake where you push in, but use Refract to return to a point and regroup with your team, attacking another site.
- Scout out areas as a defender early in the round. Push up to see if the enemy team is approaching, then use Refract to retreat and prepare for their exec.
Light Speed

- Cost: 300 Credits
- Uses: 1 per round
- Windup: .5 seconds
Light Speed is Waylay's dash ability in VALORANT. You can dash twice with any use, or ALT-FIRE to just dash once. The first, and only the first, dash of each use can be vertical. There's a brief period of time for her to equip the dash before you can use it, however.
Check out some tips on using this one:
- You can equip the dash, but then pull out a weapon or other ability if you decide you don't want to use it. This saves the charge, as it is only considered used when the actual dash happens.
- The second dash can be done in any direction, so if you are wanting to escape around a corner, you can flick your aim that way before dash number two initiates.
- Don't think you need to dash upward every single time. Use it to simply dash twice into a chokepoint. Or even if you do dash upward, know that you can stay airborne by simply dashing forward again with the second until it completes.
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- Cost: 300 Credits
- Use: 1 per round
- Windup: .5 seconds
Saturate is a molly of sorts for Waylay in VALORANT. It's kind of like Clove's ability, but for Waylay, it introduces the Hindering debuff. This slows just about everything on a character when it connects. Use it to throw it immediately, and after a short moment when it hits the ground, it'll explode.
Take note of these tips to make it most effective:
- It only explodes when it makes contact with the ground. So, learn some lineups to bounce it into corners. You can send it far, off walls, and over obstacles before it creates the debuff field.
- It does cause Hindering to your teammates, so watch where you launch it.
- Do not follow up with your dash. That's what players will expect. Instead, use Saturate and move in at Waylay's normal speed to net the elimination.
Convergent Paths

- Cost: 8 Ultimate Points
- Use: 1 per every 8 points
- Windup: 2 seconds
Convergent Paths is the name of Waylay's Ultimate. Equip it and get ready to use it. Once ready, fire it to create an afterimage. Two seconds later, the afterimage projects a beam of light that can travel through walls and structures. When this happens, you get a speed boost and everyone caught in the light is Hindered.
Some tips are as follows:
- Push with a teammate to trade you as soon as you use it. This means before the beam of light pops. You'll get your picks on those trying to avoid it, but if someone is waiting to punish you, your teammate can trade once they're Hindered.
- Line it up with the minimap. A large red rectangle shows on your minimap where it will land once activated. Use that to know where players may be caught or to see open spaces they may run to in order to avoid it.
- It is actually a much better defensive Ultimate than an attacking one. It can completely halt a push on certain maps if a team is moving through an area and are caught by the Hindering debuff.
Tips for Waylay on Attack in VALORANT
- The role here is similar to that of Jett, Raze, and Neon. Use Waylay's movement capabilities to entry. Dash onto site, get your pick, and set your team up for success.
- Refract is great for post-plant situations. Get the Spike down and place your beacon. You can now move into enemy territory to see where their retake my come from before reverting back to safety.
- Use a Shorty or another shotgun on eco rounds. We saw during her reveal showmatch that she can jump around with a Judge or Bucky much like a Raze can. Throw enemies for a loop and give 'em the business.
- Convergent Paths can be used offsite. If your team, with full utility, is hitting a site, you can use Convergent Paths in a location that cuts off enemy rotation. Divide them from their teammates while your team swarms those left alone on the site.
Tips for Waylay on Defense in VALORANT
- This is an obvious statement, but use Waylay's abilities defensively. Use her dash to get to the safety of your teammates. Stall a push with Saturate or save Refract to scope out the site before a retake.
- On the contrary, get early picks with Refract. Set it down, push off of a site, take out an enemy, then immediately use it to get back on your side.
- Use Convergent Paths to funnel enemies to a certain location. Either make them run towards you to avoid it or into an empty corner where Tejo or Breach can missile or stun.
- Don't be afraid to die if it means giving your teammates a player-advantage or important information. Dash in to see an enemy in a corner? Have a teammate right behind to trade. Dash through mid with a Judge to pick off two? Awesome, now your team is in a 4v3 if you die.
Best maps for Waylay in VALORANT
Honestly, most Agents are good on any map as long as the player knows what they're doing. For Waylay, though, we'll focus on the specific VALORANT maps where she absolutely shines:
- Ascent: The map she was played on during the showmatch is perfect for her. The entry points allow for easy Refract movement and the verticality lets her make use of Light Speed. Both sites are quite small, making it easy for her to get in and clear them quickly.
- Haven: Basically, any Jett map works well with Waylay. The Refract timer allows her to move back and forth between sites easily. The middle of B and Heaven on A are great for her to dash into. And each entry point onto site is a tight doorway, allowing her Saturate to catch anyone walking through.
- Icebox: The same can be said about Icebox as was said about Ascent. Both sites have nests she can dash to in order to gain the high ground. There are lots of unexpecting areas for her to drop a Refract and revert to after surprising the enemy team.
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