Find all 10 HIA Commemorative Coins: Harbor in Port Elpis with this guide!
The Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ) 1.4 update added the Port Elpis area, and also introduced the new HIA Commemorative Coin: Harbor variant.
HIA Commemorative Coin guides for other ZZZ areas:
Port Elpis HIA Coins & Locations in ZZZ
NPCs who can give you an HIA Commemorative Coin will have a gray speech bubble on top of their head. As of ZZZ 1.4, there are 10 HIA Coins you can collect on this area, and all of them come from NPCs.

When you enter the Time Selection menu (T on PC) and it says "Sage in a Barrel wants more Commemorative Coins," this means that there is an HIA Coin you can collect for that timeslot.
Morning HIA Coins in Port Elpis

Find Mitsuharu near one of the ports. Talk to him for the coin.
Grandpa Gu & Feng

Start the chain by talking to Grandpa Gu.

Talk to Feng nearby to get the coin.

Talk to McDunn near the lighthouse.

Head over to the Sea God Statue behind Officer Mewmew.
Go back to McDunn to get the coin.
Afternoon HIA Coins in Port Elpis
Teppei & Phee

Talk to Teppei near the fries booth.
Continue the dialogue with Phee inside the booth for the coin.

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Talk to Lanza for the coin.

Find Dennis and talk to him for the coin.
Evening HIA Coins in Port Elpis

Talk to Muqing near the statue and Officer Mewmew.

Talk to her again at the same spot the following in-game day during the evening for the coin.
If she does not appear there, make sure that all ongoing side quests have finished. Other NPCs (like McDunn) could be taking up the spot.

Talk to Nachi, crouched down at the warehouse.

Go to the cat in front of the warehouse for the coin.
Midnight HIA Coins in Port Elpis
Lifebuoy Bangboo

Interact with the lifebuoy for the coin.
Mysterious Guy

Find the Mysterious Guy in front of the lighthouse.
Talk to him again in the next in-game day during midnight for the coin.
Trade these to the Sage in a Barrel for miscellaneous rewards.
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