Eddie announced his retirement from competitive Hearthstone. In a TwitLonger where he confessed that Hearthstone had saved his life, Eddie said he would not be a part of Grandmasters after this season.

“Eddie” Lui posted a TwitLonger with his decision of retiring from Hearthstone Grandmasters by the end of 2021. The Master's Tour Bucharest and HCT Atlanta champion said he lost motivation for the game that once gave him a purpose in life.

Why did Eddie quit Hearthstone?

Even though his results on Grandmasters Season 1 were good enough to qualify for the Playoffs, there was something wrong inside of him. In an open letter address to the community, Eddie mentioned that since the beginning of the year, he has started to slowly lose motivation to play the game.

Eddie is recognized by his peers as one of Hearthstone’s best competitive players. It was strange to see him not focused on a game or doing shaky plays on stream. Many players suffer from burn out and would be understandable after years of high-stakes matches. However, Eddie realized that there was something else.

Eddie's Hearthstone presentation Card - By Blizzard
Eddie's Hearthstone presentation Card - By Blizzard

Known for his favoritism to control decks, it was a surprise that Eddie submitted an aggressive lineup for Hearthstone’s last major tournament, MT Silvermoon. In his tweet, Eddie found that this was a consequence of a recent change in his mindset:

It wasn't because that I think they were the best bring, it was just because I believe I could make the least amount of misplays with them and get lucky. This mindset makes me realize its probably time for me to leave and like Muzzy said give young blood a shot for their dreams

Eddie reflecting on his mindset

With a similar train of thought as Muzzy, he recognized that there are plenty of other players trying to make their dreams of becoming a Grandmaster real, and he didn´t want to be in their way.

How Hearthstone saved Eddie’s life

Leaving the lack of present motivation behind, Eddie took a moment to reflect on the impact Hearthstone had on him.

In my darkest days, hearthstone saved my life. There were moments in life that I was not sure of the purpose of being alive. I feel like I was just living the same life every single day. Hearthstone gave me a goal to wake up every day and be excited

Eddie talinkg about Hearthstone's impact in his life

This is something that goes deeper than the game and any other competition. Games are sometimes outlets where we put aside our problems and enjoy ourselves. In Eddie's case, Hearthstone was much more.

Eddie after winning Dreamhack Atlanta in 2018 - Image by Blizzard
Eddie after winning Dreamhack Atlanta in 2018 - Image by Blizzard

There is one thing in common most Hearthstone players agree, and Eddie is not the exception. Few things are as powerful as having “friends that have the same goal”. On a personal note, I think we can all agree on this. For many, Hearthstone ends up being what connects us with other people.

During this moment where drama and hatred have taken social media by storm, let’s all take a deep breath and think about why we are all here in the Tavern. Eddie might be leaving the competitive scene in only a short while, but his legacy won’t be forgotten.

If you want to catch Eddies’ last few matches, tune in to Hearthstone Grandmasters Broadcasts on YouTube. For more news and updates, check us on Esports.gg. See you next time, in the tavern.