Hearthstone Into the Emerald Dream release date and details: Imbue, Dark Gifts, Wild Gods, and Choose One for all!

Amy Chen

Amy Chen

Year of the Raptor’s first expansion goes live today!

Hearthstone's next expansion, Into the Emerald Dream, draws near! Prior to the Into the Emerald Dream release date, players got to enter a pre-release Tavern Brawl, celebrate Hearthstone at a Warcraft 30th Anniversary World Tour event, and check out their favorite content creators duke it out in theorycrafting streams. Read on for everything to know about Hearthstone's Into the Emerald Dream release date, the new expansion's featured mechanics, and more.

Hearthstone Into the Emerald Dream release date

The release date for Hearthstone's new expansion is March 25. As the first expansion in Year of the Raptor, Into the Emerald Dream brings 145 new cards, the Imbue and Dark Gift keywords, Wild Gods, and so much more to the game.

Of course, a new expansion also means a new Hearthstone Rewards Track with gold and cards galore. According to Blizzard, players can also get a free Into the Emerald Dream card pack by simply visiting the in-game shop between March 25 and April 15!

Malorne the Waywatcher is legendary neutral minion with the Imbue keyword (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Malorne the Waywatcher is legendary neutral minion with the Imbue keyword (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Hearthstone's Imbue keyword

One of the new keywords in this expansion is Imbue. This keyword is featured in the Druid, Hunter, Mage, Paladin, Priest, and Shaman classes. Playing an Imbue card for the first time results in a new hero power, which then upgrades with each additional Imbue card played.

Overgrown Horror is a Warlock minion in the Hearthstone Into the Emerald Dream expansion (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Overgrown Horror is a Warlock minion in the Hearthstone Into the Emerald Dream expansion (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Dark Gifts in Hearthstone

Dark Gifts is another keyword and mechanic arriving in Into the Emerald Dream. This keyword is featured in the Death Knight, Demon Hunter, Rogue, Warlock, and Warrior classes. Think of these as power-ups for minions that synergize well with Discover options.

In an interview with esports.gg, Hearthstone senior game designer Aleco Pors said that Dark Gifts are value-focused since They generate extra cards similar to the aforementioned Discover mechanic. If Dark Gifts become popular, then they could push the meta toward midrange and value-driven gameplay.

Wild Gods and Choose One in Hearthstone

Don't forget about the Wild Gods. According to Blizzard, each Hearthstone class gets a legendary Wild God minion! Meanwhile, the Choose One keyword is no longer just for the Druid class. Instead, Into the Emerald Dream expands it to other classes.

Twilight Influence is a Priest Shadow spell in the Hearthstone Into the Emerald Dream expansion (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Twilight Influence is a Priest Shadow spell in the Hearthstone Into the Emerald Dream expansion (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

That's all for now. Are you excited about the new Hearthstone expansion? Stick around on esports.gg for more news and updates.