Xuance is Honor of Kings’ 98th hero, specializing in the jungle, is a high-mobility assassin that can hook and dash between enemies.
Honor of Kings (HoK) is expected to launch its 98th hero, Xuance, a high-mobility assassin who can hook enemies, making him suitable for the jungling role. Official information about Xuance will be released later by HoK's developers, but here is some leaked information you might be interested in!

Honor of Kings Xuance release date
Xuance will be the next hero to be launched after Yixing, and wil be available in the game starting on Dec. 26, 2024. First released in August 2017 in China’s version of HoK as "Baili Xuance", Xuance is the younger brother of fellow HoK Hero, Shouyue.

Honor of Kings Xuance skills
Xuance is an assassin with high mobility and a tactical skillset. His strength lies in his ability to control the battlefield by hooking enemies, isolating targets, and disrupting enemy formation.
Below are Xuance's abilities descriptions as leaked by Shadow HOK. There might be minor differences between the leaked and the official launch versions, due to the translation difference from the China server.

Passive: Frenzy Prologue
- When he attacks, the hook chain deals physical damage to nearby enemies.
- The sickle extends further, inflicting an additional 25% of his physical attack as physical damage to distant targets.
- His attacks reduce the target's movement speed and grant him a short movement speed boost, both lasting for 1 second.

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Skill 1: Magic Sickle
- Xuance dashes in a specified direction, enhancing his next basic attack to deal bonus physical damage based on a percentage of the target's maximum health.
- If his hook has marked a target before the dash, the marked enemy is dragged a short distance toward Xuance after the charge, adding powerful crowd control to his approach.
- Leveling up this skill enhances the movement's speed effects of his passive, increasing both his speed boost and enemies' slow with each upgrade.

Skill 2: Nightmare Hook
- Xuance swings his chained hook, charging up to increase his movement speed and extend the hook's range. Once released, the hook flies forward, dealing physical damage to enemies in its path and briefly freezing them.
- Upon reaching the furthest point, the hook retracts, marking the first enemy hit as a hunting target. Marked targets take increased damage from Xuance, while the damage they deal to him is reduced. During this time, the skill can be recast to throw the marked target behind him, dealing additional damage.
- Against jungle monsters, this skill deals bonus damage, making it highly effective for jungle clearing.
- Cancelling the charge reduces the cooldown of this skill by half, while eliminating the hooked target refunds 80% of the cooldown, allowing Xuance to maintain pressure in fights.

Ultimate: Quick Scythe Flash
- Xuance's Ultimate can stack up to multiple times, allowing him to store up to 3 charges over time.
- When using his Ultimate on a target hooked by Skill 2, he dashes behind the target, dealing damage to enemies in this path and moving along the hook over long distances.
- If no target is hooked, he dashes in front of the enemy, attaching his hook and dealing damage.
- During the dash, Xuance reduces incoming damage significantly, making it a reliable tool for engaging or escaping.
- Upon securing a kill or assist, Xuance gains increased movement and attack speed for a few seconds. These buffs can stack enhancing his strength in extended fights.
How to unlock Xuance in HoK
Xuance is expected to be available in the shop with a price tag of either 18,888 Starstones or 13,888 Starstones. The hero can also be bought with Tokens or Limited-Time Tokens, but it is recommended to buy her with Starstones instead since you can get that currency more easily.
HoK Players might be able to get her at cheaper prices later on through weekly discounts. It's also possible to use a Trial Card to play her in matches.
More information about Xuance will be updated later, so stay tuned on esports.gg!