Meet Zeri, League’s newest marksman champion in 2022

Sage Datuin

Sage Datuin

Riot Games shock the community to kickstart 2022 by announcing their newest champion, Zeri.

The new year has just begun, and Riot Games are already kickstarting Season 12 of League of Legends. Riot developers have officially unveiled Zeri, the Spark of Zaun, as the next champion to join the popular MOBA title. This came as something of a surprise this early in the year.

Who is Zeri?

Zeri is a champion that hails from a hard-working class family from Zaun, where hardship was constantly knocking at her door. Growing up in a supportive household, the community was a central strength - something many can related to. Zeri had one unique characteristic, her unique relationship with electricity through her custom gun with electric magic.

Zeri’s description makes it sound like she will be a very nimble champion based on electricity and speed in the bot lane. 

How will Zeri play?

Not much is known about how Zeri will play other than her being confirmed to be a marksman champion. Ekko is a related character, so perhaps the pair will have some synergies. At the very least, we can probably expect some unique interactions.

“For this new champ, we wanted to re-explore the role of the basic attack in a marksman champion’s kit and see if we could completely turn its purpose around. I’m getting amped just thinking about it, and if you are as well, get ready for a hyper new champion very early next year," Riot remarked in their 2022 roadmap.

Ekko is a champion that is featured in Arcane, Riot Game's hit Netflix Series. Photo via Riot Games.
Ekko is a champion that is featured in Arcane, Riot Game's hit Netflix Series. Photo via Riot Games.

When will Zeri release?

Though, there is no mention as to how the two tie together. It's possible this relationship could possibly be delved into during Season 2 of Arcane, Riot’s popular Netflix series. Still, nothing is set in stone with the relationship.

All that is known is that they can likely be traced back to their home turf in Zaun. It will be interesting to see how that all transpires.

Zeri’s current release date is yet to be announced, though it is expected to be in the near future, along with her abilities as League’s first champion in 2022.

Until then, stay tuned to for the latest League of Legends news and updates.