Overwatch 2 Freja trial release date, countdown, and more

Amy Chen

Amy Chen

Here’s everything to know about the upcoming Freja trial in Overwatch 2!

Earlier this year, Blizzard announced that Freja will be Overwatch 2's next damage hero. She will join the game’s roster in Season 16. However, even with Season 15 just getting started, players won’t have to wait much longer to play as her! Freja recently got her own hero trailer, motion comic, and game trailer. Read on for the Overwatch 2 Freja trial release date, duration, and more!

Overwatch 2 Freja trial countdown

Here is our live countdown to the Freja playtest! The trial will arrive at the same time for everyone, so our countdown works no matter where you're located.

Overwatch 2 Freja Trial Countdown

Overwatch 2 Freja trial

The Overwatch 2 Freja playtest will run from March 21 to March 24. This means players will have a few days to try out her abilities and ultimate before she joins the game permanently next season.

Overwatch 2 Freja trial duration (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Overwatch 2 Freja trial duration (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Overwatch 2 Freja playtest duration

Since March 21 falls on a Friday, players will have the entire weekend to try out Freja. Based on our experience with Overwatch 2 updates, the Freja trial will likely go on until Tuesday afternoon of March 25 as opposed to March 24.

Overwatch 2 Freja release date

Blizzard previously stated that Freja "will join Overwatch 2 in Season 16," and based on the Overwatch 2 Season 15 Battle Pass and our experience with typical updates, we predicted her release date would be April 22. On March 21, Blizzard confirmed this, announcing that Freja will indeed arrive in Overwatch 2 Season 16 on April 22.

Overwatch 2 Freja release date (Screenshot via esports.gg)
Overwatch 2 Freja release date (Screenshot via esports.gg)

Overwatch 2 Freja abilities

Ahead of this release date, players can test out Freja's kit in the her hero trial. Her primary fire is Revdraw Crossbow while her secondary fire is Take Aim. Meanwhile, Quick Dash and Updraft are her movement abilities while Bola Shot is her ultimate. As for her passive, it's Bounty Hunting.

Ability Name
Keyboard/Mouse Control
How It Works
Revdraw Crossbow
(Primary Fire)
Left-clickFires automatic bolts rapidly.
Take Aim
(Secondary Fire)
Right-clickSlows Freja's momentum and allows her to aim with an explosive, high-speed bolt. Can be refreshed using Quick Dash.
Quick DashLeft-shiftSpeaking of Quick Dash, this makes Freja vault in the direction she's moving.
UpdraftEUpdraft launches Freja upward.
Bola Shot
QFreja fires an explosive bola. If it hits an opponent, then it wraps around them and pulls them into nearby enemies.
Bounty Hunting (Passive)Grants Freja bonus ultimate charge for every three final blows.

Overwatch 2 Freja Perks

In terms of her major and minor Perks, they are Frost Bolts, Tracking Instinct, Ready to Hunt, and Relentless Barrage.

Perk Name
Perk Type
How It Works
Frost BoltsMinor PerkEnemies hit by three regular bolts in quick succession are slowed by 20% for a couple of seconds.
Tracking InstinctMinor PerkCritical health enemies are revealed to Freja.
Ready to HuntMajor PerkUpdraft grants a temporary free use of Quick Dash.
Relentless Barrage Major PerkDirect hits with Take Aim refund four automatic bolt ammo.

Overwatch 2 Freja gameplay

If you'd like a preview of what all of this looks like together, then KarQ created a video covering Freja's gameplay. You can watch it below!

Blizzard also released an official gameplay trailer for Freja on March 21. This can be watched below as well.

That's all for now. Stick around on esports.gg for more news and updates on all things Overwatch 2!