Escorting the payload just got easier.
Overwatch 2 Season 9 is getting a Junkertown rework. Read on for all of the Overwatch 2 Junkertown rework details and what the updates mean for the attacking and defending teams.
Overwatch 2 Junkertown rework
Season 9 of Overwatch 2 will get some updates to the Junkertown map. The area located near the first checkpoint will get more cover in the form of a burned-out building. According to Blizzard, that section is tricky for the team on the attack — especially if the defending team has either a Widow or Pharah player as their DPS.

The Junkertown map rework will also involve replacing the outhouse near the gate. Instead of the outhouse, Junkertown will get a tall water tower to block the line of sight. "Additionally, a few more cars have been added to this area, and the cliffside path has been reduced," Blizzard added.

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Overwatch 2 Junkertown map rework nerfs defending team
In terms of other Junkertown rework details, the health pack on the balcony in the second area will be removed. Again, this will nerf the defending team's advantage. In the third area, a vertical support beam will be added to the left of the hallway as well. This will block a sightline and help the attacking team get more coverage before entering the area.

"We also widened and added cover to a hallway on the outer mid-section of area 3 to open up team fights that happen there," Blizzard continued. "Finally, the updated map features a new night-time lighting theme to try out."
That's all for now. Other significant changes in Season 9 will include the competitive revamp, gameplay update, Pharah rework, and more. Therefore, be sure to stick around on for more news and updates!