Did your main or favorite heroes get nerfed or buffed? Here are the details.
Blizzard has revealed the latest Overwatch 2 patch notes. According to Blizzard, this is a hotfix that affects both the five-versus-five (5v5) and six-versus-six (6v6) game modes. Read on for the March 25 Overwatch 2 updates to see which heroes received nerfs, buffs, and adjustments.

Overwatch 2 patch notes today: March 25
Overwatch 2 hotfix: Tanks nerfs and buffs
Today's Overwatch 2 update includes changes to tank heroes Mauga, Roadhog, Winston, and Zarya. Notably, Mauga has a nerf to his Cardiac Overdrive as it no longer provides his teammates with damage reduction. His Cage Fight ultimate now costs more and has less barrier health. As for his Berserker passive, the overhealth conversion rate is now 40% instead of 50%. Meanwhile, Roadhog gets a couple of buffs and Winston plus Zarya take on nerfs.

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Overwatch 2 patch notes: DPS buff, nerfs, and balance changes
As for the damage heroes, changes go to Cassidy, Echo, Soldier: 76, Sojourn, and Widowmaker. Cassidy's primary and secondary fire have slight buffs while Echo has adjustments to her base health and shield health. Next, Sojourn's Power Slide has a couple of nerfs while Soldier: 76’s primary fire now has a larger projectile size. As for Widowmaker, she now has more base health.

Support buffs and nerfs go to Ana and Juno
Only Ana and Juno have updates in this Overwatch 2 hotfix. They are nerfs, however. Ana's Biotic Grenade has a longer cooldown in both non-6v6 and 6v6 game modes. In terms of her self-Nano Boost via her Perk, its duration is reduced. Meanwhile, the cost of Juno's ultimate sees an increase.
In terms of other interesting in-game updates, the limited-time Overwatch Classic GOATS game mode is currently available. From now until April 8, you can also take part in some Overwatch Classic GOATS event challenges and earn some adorable rewards.
That's all for now. Stick around on esports.gg for the latest Overwatch 2 and Overwatch Classic news and updates.