Overwatch Classic GOATS game mode and meta now live

Amy Chen

Amy Chen

Will your team queue up with the Reinhardt, Zarya, D.va Lucio, Brigitte, and Moira composition in Overwatch Classic GOATS?

The latest Overwatch 2 update features the arrival of Overwatch Classic GOATS! This is a six-versus-six (6v6) game mode that honors an infamous meta from the first iteration of Overwatch. Remember the days of three tanks and three support heroes? Yes, it's that meta. Here's everything to know about the Overwatch Classic GOATS game mode!

How to enter the Overwatch Classic GOATS game mode in Overwatch 2 (Screenshot via esports.gg)
How to enter the Overwatch Classic GOATS game mode in Overwatch 2 (Screenshot via esports.gg)

Overwatch Classic GOATS game mode

To duke it out in this limited-time game mode, launch Overwatch 2, select "Play" from the main menu, press the "Unranked" card, and choose the "Overwatch Classic GOATS" option. After queuing into a team, select one of the available heroes and jump into the fray. This game mode is available between March 25 and April 1.

Overwatch Classic GOATS heroes (Screenshot via esports.gg)
Overwatch Classic GOATS heroes (Screenshot via esports.gg)

This game mode only features a total of 29 heroes, which is fewer than Overwatch 2's current full roster of 42. Hazard is the newest addition while Freja recently had a limited-time trial and will officially arrive in Season 16.

Overwatch Classic GOATS heroes

Speaking of heroes, the available tanks to choose from in Overwatch Classic GOATS are D.Va, Orisa, Reinhardt, Roadhog, Winston, Wrecking Ball, and Zarya. Meanwhile, damage heroes include Ashe, Bastion, Cassidy, Doomfist, Genji, Hanzo, Junkrat, Mei, Pharah, Reaper, Soldier: 76, Sombra, Symmetra, Torbjorn, Tracer, and Widowmaker. As for the support pool, they include Ana, Brigitte, Lucio, Mercy, Moira, and Zenyatta.

  1. D.Va
  2. Orisa
  3. Reinhardt
  4. Roadhog
  5. Winston
  6. Wrecking Ball
  7. Zarya
  8. Ashe
  9. Bastion
  10. Cassidy
  11. Doomfist
  12. Genji
  13. Hanzo
  14. Junkrat
  15. Mei
  16. Pharah
  17. Reaper
  18. Soldier: 76
  19. Sombra
  20. Symmetra
  21. Torbjorn
  22. Tracer
  23. Widowmaker
  24. Ana
  25. Brigitte
  26. Lucio
  27. Mercy
  28. Moira
  29. Zenyatta
Victory screen (Screenshot via esports.gg)
Victory screen (Screenshot via esports.gg)

Overwatch Classic GOATS patch notes

Prior to the launch of this game mode on March 25, Blizzard announced the addition of Moira, Brigitte, and Wrecking Ball into the 6v6 action. Blizzard World, Rialto, and Busan are also map additions. Meanwhile, the hero balance or patch notes are from the September 2018 update. Below are the Overwatch patch notes from that time.


  • Biotic Rifle
    • Increased the precision of the Relative Aim Sensitivity While Zoomed slider. This can be found under Options > Controls > Hero > Ana


  • Shield Bash
    • Now knocks down and gets knocked down by other charging targets (e.g Reinhardt and Doomfist)

Developer Comments: Currently, when two charging targets hit each other, they both fall down and are briefly stunned. You can see this interaction with Doomfist’s Rocket Punch and Reinhardt’s Charge abilities. Brigitte’s Shield Bash previously wasn’t included in this group, which meant that if she used Shield Bash against these other abilities, she would generally stun them and not be affected herself. This change makes it so if she uses Shield Bash against Charge or Rocket Punch, both players will be knocked down.


  • Earthshatter
    • Now consistently hits enemies near walls
    • No longer hits enemies that enter the damage cone after the “wave” has passed that area
    • No longer damages enemies behind barriers blocking it, even if the barrier is later dropped or destroyed
    • Always travels up inclines and around the payload

Developer Comments: We’ve given Earthshatter a complete overhaul to combat inconsistencies with its performance. These changes will make Earthshatter’s behavior more predictable and effective.


  • Scrap Gun
    • Primary fire falloff range changed from 10-20 meters to 15-30 meters
    • Alternate fire now has damage falloff, which is the same as the new primary fire falloff (15-30 meters)

Developer Comments: Previously, Roadhog’s Scrap Gun alternate fire didn’t have damage falloff which sometimes made it too powerful against far away targets. To balance out a slight power decrease, especially against barriers, we decided to push his overall weapon’s effective range out [a] bit further before damage falloff begins to take effect. Note: The alternate fire falloff begins from where the scrap projectiles are formed, not from Roadhog’s firing position.


  • Grappling Hook
    • Now retains momentum when used on environments or structures without a ledge (e.g. walls)
  • Widow's Kiss
    • Increased the precision of the Relative Aim Sensitivity While Zoomed slider. This can be found under Options > Controls > Hero > Widowmaker
Overwatch September 2018 patch notes, as provided by Blizzard

That's all for now. Are you ready to experience the Overwatch GOATS meta once again or for the first time? Stick around on esports.gg for more news and updates on all things Overwatch Classic and Overwatch 2!