Darius 2XKO move list
Here’s everything you need to know about Darius’ move list in 2XKO.
Nicholas James
2XKO Illaoi move list, specials, supers, and more
Here’s how to flood the battle with Illaoi, the Kraken Princess
Noah Pather
All 2XKO game modes
2XKO has the typical game modes you’d expect from a fighter, so dive in to learn the ropes, practice a bit, and battle your friends.
Brandon Moore
All stages in 2XKO
2XKO has stages taken right from Runeterra, the world where several Riot Games’ titles are based, such as League of Legends.
Brandon Moore
2XKO Ahri move list, specials, supers, and more
See how to play with Ahri, the Nine-Tailed Fox, in 2XKO!
Leonardo Biazzi
How does 2XKO’s netcode work?
Riot seems to be taking 2XKO’s netcode seriously.
Leonardo Biazzi
All 2XKO champions: Gameplay explained
These characters have been included in the roster of the League of Legends fighting game.
Eugene Bozhenko
How to add friends in 2XKO
We all know games are better with some company. So, here is how you can add a friend to fight with, or even against, in 2XKO.
Brandon Moore
How to invite a friend to the 2XKO Alpha Lab
If you want to invite your friend to play the 2XKO Alpha Lab with you, we’ve got the easy steps on how to do so.
Brandon Moore
2XKO referral codes: How to get a 2XKO Alpha Lab referral code
Here’s everything to know about 2XKO referral codes for the Alpha Lab playtest.
Amy Chen