Guy Blomberg, event director for DreamHack interview: “The celebration of all things gaming, everybody all under one roof.”
An interview with DreamHack event director Guy Blomberg.

Noah Pather
Sean Miller, head of Overwatch Esports interview: “OWCS is more accessible than it’s ever been, and its proving to be really exciting.” got a chance to sit down with Sean Miller, head of Overwatch Esports, to talk about the OWCS and the competitive ecosystem.

Noah Pather
Carmac IEM 100 interview: “Anyone that’s made themselves a part of this journey as a viewer, fan, player, or otherwise — thank you.”
“Intel Extreme Masters was one of these vessels that took esports from empty seats to absolute goosebumps and the feeling that the earth is shaking.”
Amy Chen

DreamHack Fighters 2024 champions Dallas FGC and beyond: “It’s 100% a big deal.”
“There’s a certain aura or feel to it when you sit down and play a game.”
Amy Chen

Crazy Raccoon players win OWCS Dallas Major Grand Final: Results and interview
Read on for the live OWCS Dallas Major Team Falcons vs Crazy Raccoon results and for a post-match interview featuring the winning team!
Amy Chen

OWCS Dallas Major 2024 Crazy Raccoons vs Spacestation Gaming: Lower Bracket Final
Crazy Raccoon will meet a familiar foe in the Grand Final of the OWCS Dallas Major.

Connor Knudsen

OWCS Dallas Major 2024 Crazy Raccoons vs Team Falcons: Upper Bracket Final
See who came out on top in the upper bracket final of the OWCS Dallas Major

Connor Knudsen

Talking OWCS and Calling All Heroes with Bailey McCann: “We’re trying to have a much more accessible and open ecosystem where anyone’s able to play.”
An exclusive interview with OWCS and Calling All Heroes product lead Bailey McCann.
Amy Chen

Voice, personality, and connection: An interview with the voice actors of Overwatch 2’s Symmetra, Venture, and Sombra
An interview with Anjali Bhimani, Valeria Rodriguez, and Carolina Ravassa at DreamHack Dallas 2024!
Amy Chen

OWCS Dallas Major 2024: Crazy Raccoons send Toronto Defiant to the Lower Bracket
Toronto Defiant and Crazy Raccoons square off at the OWCS Dallas Major

Noah Pather