Caitlyn and Vi sparked discussions among LGBTQIA+ fans about the love interests of League of Legends champions. Which champions are confirmed to be part of the community?
After Arcane, many fans of the show joined the League of Legends (LoL) community as players and fans of the cinematics and characters' lore. Due to the last cinematic "Welcome to Noxus," some discussions started on social media. Here are all the canon and implied LGBTQIA+ champions in LoL!

Caitlyn and Vi
This is probably the most famous League of Legends couple at the moment. Arcane's success is undeniable as well as the romance between Caitlyn and Vi in the show. In the second season, many fans demanded an extended cut of their romantic scene. This beautiful couple also has Valentine's Day skins in the game itself called Heartthrob Caitlyn and Heartache Vi. They're lesbians.

Graves and Twisted Fate
Graves and Twisted Fate, commonly called only TF, have been a confirmed couple in League of Legends for a while now. They appeared in the Pride Month promotional art as well as short stories revealing their love for each other. In one of those stories, another character even commented that Graves always had a bad taste for men and Twisted Fate is "the worst man" ever. According to some fans, Graves is gay and Twisted Fate is pansexual.

Another LGBTQIA+ champion in LoL is K'Sante. He is confirmed as a gay man who once dated a non-playable character called Tope. This character eventually left K'Sante and married another man. We can see him often in Pride Month art.

Neeko and Nidalee
Neeko was one of the first queer champions presented in the game. She appears in the Pride Month art with a lesbian flag. The confirmation was made by her writer on X in 2018 saying "Neeko identifies as a lesbian." According to some fans, she once had a one-sided crush on Nidalee, but that was never confirmed. In the last few years, especially in Legends of Runeterra, some dialogue of Nidalee confirmed she is still trying to understand her feelings and their relationship.

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Leona and Diana
These girls have one of the most heartbroken stories. They started as childhood friends only to later become enemies. Their love story is also confirmed in the lore, short story, and Pride Month art. They even have an emote making a heart with their hands. They were a lesbian couple who unfortunately had to break up.
Another confirmed LGBTQIA+ champion in LoL is Rell. She appears in the Pride Month art, but her love story hasn't been very much developed by Riot Games. She is bisexual, her dialogues proves it, and she even flirts with some characters. However, there isn't much content about her at all.

Nami is a bisexual woman who is well-known for her polyamorous relationship with two other ocean beings. She also appears in the Pride Month art and often talks about her lovers with a lot of affection and passion.

Taric has long been a popular fan ship with Ezreal, though their connection was never made canon. However, his flirty demeanor toward Ezreal in the artwork for the Armor of the Fifth Age Taric skin sparked hope among fans. Taric also appears in official Pride Month art, but there isn’t any specific content confirming his queer identity.

Many unconfirmed champions are also suspected to be queer like Aphelios, Sett, Fiora, Samira, and Irelia. We also have the case of Taliyah, who was supposed to be a trans woman, but never made it out of development. In 2022, a Riot Games developer admitted that LGBTQIA+ representation is censored in some markets.
We are curious about the next Pride Month event and the possible confirmation or announcements of other LGBTQIA+ characters.
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