Check out the build guide on mastering the fighter hero Cici in MLBB.
Cici is an EXP Lane hero in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang (MLBB) who can easily jump to the backline and pick off high-value targets. Her utility is also quite high, allowing her to survive 1v1 duels. This makes her a good hero to pick on the sidelanes on top of her not requiring mana for casting abilities.
However, she does suffer from very slow wave clearing. This can be a problem if Cici is the one defending the base against multiple waves of minions. Another thing is she has a low attack range, forcing you to be dangerously close to enemies.
Here is a guide for Cici in MLBB, covering her best build, emblems, battle spells, combos, and hero counters.
Skill analysis for Cici in MLBB
Passive: Performer's Delight
Cici generates a stack of Delight after dealing damage, increasing her Movement Speed and Spell Vamp slightly per stack. This effect can accumulate multiple times, with its potency doubling at maximum stacks.
Skill 1: Yo-Yo Blitz
Cici commands Yoyo to continuously attack the nearest enemy within range for a short duration, prioritizing heroes. Each strike deals Physical Damage based on the target's Max HP. Cici can move and use other skills freely during this attack.
If no enemy hero is nearby, Yoyo will target Turrets or the Base instead. This skill deals increased damage to Minions.
Skill 2: Buoyant Bounce
Cici leaps to a target location. If she lands on a unit (excluding Turrets and the Base), she can leap again in the Joystick's direction. Landing on an enemy with the first leap deals Physical Damage.
Ultimate: Curtain Call
Cici throws Yoyo at a target enemy hero, linking them with another nearby enemy. This deals Physical Damage, slows them, and pulls them together. During this time, Cici can use Yo-Yo Blitz to strike both targets simultaneously. If only one target is within range, she will hit them twice, with the second attack dealing reduced damage.
Best Cici item build in MLBB
Use this item build for Cici to make her a menace on the battlefield:
The recommended build fir Cici in MLBB revolves around utility with a bit of damage on the side. Cici works well when she can soak up a bit of damage - this is why you get War Axe as your first item on top of Tough Boots.
Hunter Strike is a good item for EXP Lane heroes. You can maximize its effect which increases your damage when there are no allies nearby. Add Bruteforce Breastplate for a stacking damage boost and reduce the duration of Crowd Controls you receive.
To increase your Spellvamp effect further, get Oracle and finish it with a damage item like Malefic Roar. You can also opt to replace your late-game items with Immortal or Winter Crown if you need more survivability.
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Recommended emblem and battle spell for Cici
Use this Emblem build for Cici in MLBB to increase her utility:
For the first slot, equip Rupture for the Adaptive Penetration. The next two slots should be Festival of Blood and Brave Smite for added health regeneration. This emblem allows Cici to survive duels, especially in the early game where she has no other sources of healing besides her passive.
For Battle Spells, the most recommended one for Cici is Vengeance for the damage reduction and reflect effect. However, you can also have Flicker for quick escapes and engages, or Sprint to stick close to enemies.
This Emblem set and Battle Spell for Cici in MLBB should complement the item build mentioned above. However, you can always tweak it to your preference.
Easy Cici combos to learn
Cici has a very straightforward combo. Your main goal is to stick close to enemies to deal continuous attacks using your Skill 1. You can use your Skill 2 to jump through thin walls or perform a double jump on minions, enemies, or ally heroes.

Be careful when there are nearby enemy heroes. The Yoyo will prioritize enemy heroes so you won't be able to clear minions or turrets. This means you can't rush a turret takedown when an enemy is hugging it. If you hit the enemy hero, the turret will target you, forcing you to retreat.
Many players in lower ranks will not know how to counter Cici’s Ultimate ability. When it hits two targets, they become entangled, restricting their movement as they’re pulled toward each other. Most players panic and instinctively try to run in opposite directions, creating an opportunity for you to capitalize on their confusion.

Hero and item counters for Cici
Hero counters
Cici only has one mobility ability in her kit. This makes her an easy target after she uses her Skill 2. Heroes like Saber, Akai, and Ling can capitalize on this as they can also be agile enough to outmaneuver Cici. Yve is also a good counter, as her Ultimate can slow or stun targets.
Item counters
You need to slow down Cici if you want to catch her. Use items like Ice Queen Wand for Mages, Corrosion Scythe for Physical Damage, or Thunderbelt for Tanks.
Additionally, you need to reduce her healing power. Go for Sea Halberd for Physical Damage, Glowing Wand for Mages, and Dominance Ice for Tanks. However, keep in mind that the Lifebane effects from these items don't stack with each other.
If you play marksman and still struggling, you can always go for Wind of Nature to get a temporary basic attack damage immunity.
That's it for our MLBB Cici build guide. Go ahead and try out some Yoyo tricks in the Land of Dawn.
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