VALORANT Storm Maw Bundle: Skins, price, and release date

Brandon Moore

Brandon Moore

The VALORANT Storm Maw bundle appears to be one of the next to arrive in the game, so we’ve got everything you need to know.

We've got another VALORANT collection leak, folks! The VALORANT Storm Maw Bundle appears to be one of the next in line to be added to your store. It has a wolf design on it with red colors, and definitely looks to be one of those that won't have any upgrades.

Let's take a look at what we know.

VALORANT Storm Maw bundle skins and accessories

(Screenshot via
(Screenshot via

The leak came from our friend Mike over at ValorLeaks. Based on the image shared and now that it is officially in the game, here are the weapons you can expect in the bundle if you decide to buy it:

  • Vandal
  • Judge
  • Stinger
  • Classic
  • Storm Maw Axe

There is nothing else included in the bundle. That means no accessories such as a player card, spray, or pair of gun buddies. It also means there aren't any cool effects you can get via upgrades through using Radianite. What you see is what you get.

Price of the bundle

This is one of the lesser priced bundles. You can get your hands on the VALORANT Storm Maw bundle fo 3,500 VALORANT Points.

(Screenshot via
(Screenshot via

The weapons themselves are 875 VP with the melee coming in at 1,750 VP. There are no accessories to purchase from this collection.

When does the VALORANT Storm Maw bundle release?

The bundle has an official release date! The leakers probably datamined it after it was added during patch 10.05. And it did not take long for it to join the party.

It went into your shop when it reset in VALORANT on March 20, 2025. So, you can get it now and it has just over 12 days as of 6 a.m. PT on March 21 to claim it.

Stay tuned to for more esports news and VALORANT coverage.