Here are the Halo Infinite Season 1 Battle pass rewards




3 min read

There are 168 rewards in the Season 1 Battle pass. Check out all the legendary rewards here.

Microsoft released Halo Infinite in a surprise (to the few who were not following leaks) move on November 15. The FPS game brings a different genre and rekindles the love for the franchise in many gamers. With Season 1, 343 has also released the Halo Infinite Season 1 Battle Pass which brings several rewards including charms, AI colors and models, XP boosts and many many cosmetic upgrades. The Judgement Flame Mythical Legendary set, available at Level 100 is on of the best effects in-game right now.

What are the Season 1 Battle Pass Rewards in Halo Infinite?

Halo Infinite Season 1 has already kicked off and will continue till May 2022. While normally, seasons will last for just three months, 343 has confirmed that the longer period for the first season is to allow developers to work on more content for the game in a sustainable manner. 

The Season 1 Battle pass is available for purchase at 1000 credits. There is also a premium bundle that costs 2800 credits. The premium bundle allows you to skip the first 25 levels of the battle pass and unlock all the rewards in it. Players can purchase in-game credits with real money.

Season 1 (Heroes of the Reach) Rewards

There are 168 rewards up for grabs in Season 1. The rewards include several free ones for players. But there are also higher rarity rewards, including several legendary ones that are only for premium battle pass buyers. 

Season 1 Legendary Rewards

Legendary items are few and far between in Season 1. In fact, there are only 24 Legendary-tier items from the list of 168 rewards for Season 1. Most of them are reserved for premium battle pass owners but there are quite a few at the end that are available for free. Here are the Halo Infinite Season 1 Legendary rewards:

Season 1 will continue till May 2022 so players have a lot of time to grind the battle pass and secure these rewards. Some of the best rewards are available at the higher levels so players should work on the daily and weekly rewards from today itself.

The battle pass does not expire so you can always level it up even in later seasons via the game's menu. All other seasons after Season 1 will last for three months.

Stay tuned to for the latest Halo Infinite news and updates.