Alterac Valley card reveal season has started. Check every new card before the Horde and Alliance clash in the ultimate Hearthstone battle.

The Horde and the Alliance will clash in Alterac Valley, but before the fight, it’s card reveal season! In the following article, you will find every card revealed for Alterac Valley Hearthstone’s latest expansion.

Alterac Valley will launch on December 7, but we are already hyped about card reveals. All of the cards have now been revealed for the upcoming set! Check them out below.

Alterac Valley Legendary cards reveled

With no further ado, here you have the Alterac Valley Legendary cards revealed so far. Once again, we get to play with Hero Cards, this expansion has it all. So, what side will you be taking? Are you ready to fight for the Horde alongside Drek'Thar or will you join the Alliance under Vanndar Stormpike's command?

<em>Inside your deck there are two wolves. One is a frostwolf. The other is a frostwolf. You are a Frostwolf.</em>
Inside your deck there are two wolves. One is a frostwolf. The other is a frostwolf. You are a Frostwolf.
<em>Guff faced his biggest challenge yet: making friends on a battlefield.</em><br> <strong>Alterac Valley's Hero Card reveled </strong> <br><strong>Hero Power</strong>: Nurture (2 Mana) Choose One - Draw a card; or Gain a Mana Crystal
Guff faced his biggest challenge yet: making friends on a battlefield.
Alterac Valley's Hero Card reveled
Hero Power: Nurture (2 Mana) Choose One - Draw a card; or Gain a Mana Crystal
<em>This is what happens when you keep taking the advice of the little demon on your shoulder.</em>
This is what happens when you keep taking the advice of the little demon on your shoulder.
<em>At a certain point, you stop mocking death and start becoming it.</em><br> <strong>Alterac Valley's Hero Card reveled</strong> <br><strong>Hero Power: </strong>Chains of Dread (2 Mana) Shuffle a Rift into your deck. Draw a card.<br><strong>Rift:</strong> Casts When Drawn Summon a 3/3 Dread Imp.
At a certain point, you stop mocking death and start becoming it.
Alterac Valley's Hero Card reveled
Hero Power: Chains of Dread (2 Mana) Shuffle a Rift into your deck. Draw a card.
Rift: Casts When Drawn Summon a 3/3 Dread Imp.
<em>His favorite modes of transportation? Van, car, board, bike.</em>
His favorite modes of transportation? Van, car, board, bike.
<em>“Mulverick, it’s not your flying, it’s your faction.”</em>
“Mulverick, it’s not your flying, it’s your faction.”
<em>When you get hit by a royally bad pun, you just have to grin and bear it.</em>
When you get hit by a royally bad pun, you just have to grin and bear it.
<em>Eau de Morte.&nbsp;Guaranteed to take your date’s breath away</em>
Eau de Morte. Guaranteed to take your date’s breath away

<em>Her faith, unshakable. Her shield, immovable. Her enemies, irredeemable.</em><br><strong>Alterac Valley's Hero Card reveled </strong><br><strong>Hero Power</strong>: Blessing of Queens (2 Mana), Give a random minion in your hand +4/+4<br><strong>Immovable Object, Weapon:</strong> Doesn't lose Durability. Your hero takes half damage, rounded up.<br>
Her faith, unshakable. Her shield, immovable. Her enemies, irredeemable.
Alterac Valley's Hero Card reveled
Hero Power: Blessing of Queens (2 Mana), Give a random minion in your hand +4/+4
Immovable Object, Weapon: Doesn't lose Durability. Your hero takes half damage, rounded up.
<em>He's always welcome at the local tavern, unlike a&nbsp;certain&nbsp;Ancient.</em>
He's always welcome at the local tavern, unlike a certain Ancient.
<em>Suddenly the names of Iceblood Tower and Iceblood Garrison make a lot more sense.</em>
Suddenly the names of Iceblood Tower and Iceblood Garrison make a lot more sense.
<em>Sneaking behind enemy lines isn't so different from being a line cook. People are hostile, something's on fire, and your only hope is to get out of there with all your fingers.</em><br>  <strong>Alterac Valley's Hero Card reveled</strong> <br> <strong>Hero Power: </strong>Sleight of Hand (0 Mana) The next card you play this turn costs 2 less.
Sneaking behind enemy lines isn't so different from being a line cook. People are hostile, something's on fire, and your only hope is to get out of there with all your fingers.
Alterac Valley's Hero Card reveled
Hero Power: Sleight of Hand (0 Mana) The next card you play this turn costs 2 less.
<em>The elements crackled through Bru'kan's veins and his life flashed before his eyes. He knew this moment would come, but he wondered, had he given them enough?</em>
The elements crackled through Bru'kan's veins and his life flashed before his eyes. He knew this moment would come, but he wondered, had he given them enough?
<em>An orc mage accidentally kited him all the way from Stratholme.</em>
An orc mage accidentally kited him all the way from Stratholme.
<em>Xyrella thought she was only saving her daughter. Her actions may very well have saved the entire world.</em><br>  <strong>Alterac Valley's Hero Card reveled</strong> <br> <strong>Hero Power: </strong>Rotates between Holy Touch (2 mana) Restore 5 Health and Void Spike (2 mana) Deal 5 Damage
Xyrella thought she was only saving her daughter. Her actions may very well have saved the entire world.
Alterac Valley's Hero Card reveled
Hero Power: Rotates between Holy Touch (2 mana) Restore 5 Health and Void Spike (2 mana) Deal 5 Damage
<em>As strong-willed and stubborn as her first day in the Horde, Rokara now wielded a weapon that rivaled even her tenacity.</em><br>   <strong>Alterac Valley's Hero Card reveled </strong><br><strong>Hero Power</strong>: Grand Slam (2 Mana) Deal 2 Damage. Honorable Kill: Gain 4 Armor<br><strong>Unstopable Force, Weapon:</strong> After you attack a minion, smashi it into the enemy hero!.
As strong-willed and stubborn as her first day in the Horde, Rokara now wielded a weapon that rivaled even her tenacity.
Alterac Valley's Hero Card reveled
Hero Power: Grand Slam (2 Mana) Deal 2 Damage. Honorable Kill: Gain 4 Armor
Unstopable Force, Weapon: After you attack a minion, smashi it into the enemy hero!.
<em>Suddenly the names of Iceblood Tower and Iceblood Garrison make a lot more sense.</em>
Suddenly the names of Iceblood Tower and Iceblood Garrison make a lot more sense.
<em>“Mulverick, it’s not your flying, it’s your faction.”</em>
“Mulverick, it’s not your flying, it’s your faction.”
<em>World Record CTF Champion 16 years running</em>
World Record CTF Champion 16 years running
<em>Imagine her surprise, ending up in a game called Hearthstone.</em>
Imagine her surprise, ending up in a game called Hearthstone.
<em>Magister is a humble title for one who united warring armies against the greatest threat to Azeroth.</em><br>  <strong>Alterac Valley's Hero Card reveled </strong><br><strong>Hero Power</strong>: Arcane Burst (2 mana) Deal 1 damage. Honorable Kill: Gain +2 Damage
Magister is a humble title for one who united warring armies against the greatest threat to Azeroth.
Alterac Valley's Hero Card reveled
Hero Power: Arcane Burst (2 mana) Deal 1 damage. Honorable Kill: Gain +2 Damage
<em>"I dedicated my life to vanquishing demons, but I never thought to face the demons in me. Maybe, in time, I can help quell the demons in you." -Kurtrus, to Cariel</em><br>  <strong>Alterac Valley's Hero Card reveled </strong><br><strong>Hero Power</strong>: Ashfallen's Fury (1 mana) +2 Attack this turn. After a friendly minion attacks, refresh this.
"I dedicated my life to vanquishing demons, but I never thought to face the demons in me. Maybe, in time, I can help quell the demons in you." -Kurtrus, to Cariel
Alterac Valley's Hero Card reveled
Hero Power: Ashfallen's Fury (1 mana) +2 Attack this turn. After a friendly minion attacks, refresh this.
<em>“I live, I love, I slay, and I am undying.”<br></em>
“I live, I love, I slay, and I am undying.”
<em>"I've got friends on the other side... of the battlefield."</em>
"I've got friends on the other side... of the battlefield."
<em>It wasn't the ravages of war that took Galvangar, it was hypothermia.</em>
It wasn't the ravages of war that took Galvangar, it was hypothermia.
<em>Tavish left home to forge his own path. But it still led him back to Alterac to kick some Frostwolf butt.</em><br><strong>Alterac Valley's Hero Card reveled </strong><br><strong>Hero Power</strong>: Summon Pet (3 mana) Summon an Animal Companion<br>
Tavish left home to forge his own path. But it still led him back to Alterac to kick some Frostwolf butt.
Alterac Valley's Hero Card reveled
Hero Power: Summon Pet (3 mana) Summon an Animal Companion
<em>“A board full of 2-Health minions? This is what I call a target rich environment.”</em>
“A board full of 2-Health minions? This is what I call a target rich environment.”

Epic cards reveled

We have already seen the stars of the show, but every card gets to be Legendary. Despite not being as shiny, some of these Epic cards revealed have what you need to fight in Alterac Valley

<em>If you can't join 'em, eat 'em.</em>
If you can't join 'em, eat 'em.
<em>He’ll take a big weight off your shoulders.</em>
He’ll take a big weight off your shoulders.
<em>We hit a huge haul! Or wait… no, it's just a coin.<br></em>
We hit a huge haul! Or wait… no, it's just a coin.
<em>We didn’t forsake him. He CHOSE to defend a tower against the entire Alliance front line by himself.</em>
We didn’t forsake him. He CHOSE to defend a tower against the entire Alliance front line by himself.
<em>Nothing personal, tiny human. I have many mouths to feed.</em>
Nothing personal, tiny human. I have many mouths to feed.
<em>This may hurt a little, but don't worry, you won't remember it.</em>
This may hurt a little, but don't worry, you won't remember it.
<em>Sheep in Frostwolves' clothing.</em>
Sheep in Frostwolves' clothing.
<em>What do I look like, a charity?</em>
What do I look like, a charity?
<em>I literally watched the Hunter place it down in front of me and I still stepped in it.</em>
I literally watched the Hunter place it down in front of me and I still stepped in it.
<em>“What do you mean school isn’t cancelled?! It’s a snow day!”</em>
“What do you mean school isn’t cancelled?! It’s a snow day!”
<em>They say “don’t poke the bear”, but they NEVER said “don’t poke the frostsaber or her cubs”.</em>
They say “don’t poke the bear”, but they NEVER said “don’t poke the frostsaber or her cubs”.
<em>Summoning will cost you an arm and a brother.</em>
Summoning will cost you an arm and a brother.
<em>Just passing through Alterac on its way to apply for a job at the Ice Cream Citadel.</em>
Just passing through Alterac on its way to apply for a job at the Ice Cream Citadel.
<em>This one will knock you out cold.</em>
This one will knock you out cold.
<em>“It’s dangerous ‘round these parts, I reckon.”</em>
“It’s dangerous ‘round these parts, I reckon.”
<em>I’ve seen this before. You just have to time it right to avoid the dragon.</em>
I’ve seen this before. You just have to time it right to avoid the dragon.
<em>Fear not, feebleminded friends, for failure to fell your foes with felfire is fundamentally farfetched!</em>
Fear not, feebleminded friends, for failure to fell your foes with felfire is fundamentally farfetched!
<em>You don't&nbsp;have&nbsp;to jump while spamming, but it’s more fun that way.</em>
You don't have to jump while spamming, but it’s more fun that way.
<em>Woahwoahwoah, we said no friendly fire!<br></em>
Woahwoahwoah, we said no friendly fire!
<em>Devouring souls is like a buffet. You have to take a little bit of everything.</em>
Devouring souls is like a buffet. You have to take a little bit of everything.
<em>"Hey, I bet I could shatter this."</em>
"Hey, I bet I could shatter this."
<em>Talk about starting off on the wrong foot.</em>
Talk about starting off on the wrong foot.
<em><strong>*record scratch*</strong>&nbsp;"So, you may be wondering how I got here."</em>
*record scratch* "So, you may be wondering how I got here."
<em>“It’s not a slot machine! It took YEARS of rigorous studying the intricacies of the universe to unravel the strands of reality. The arcane knowledge alone would enfeeble even the most brilliant of minds. Give it the credence it deserves. It’s a&nbsp;magic&nbsp;slot machine.”</em>
“It’s not a slot machine! It took YEARS of rigorous studying the intricacies of the universe to unravel the strands of reality. The arcane knowledge alone would enfeeble even the most brilliant of minds. Give it the credence it deserves. It’s a magic slot machine.”
<em>“True strength comes from within your deck” is a whole lot less inspiring.</em>
“True strength comes from within your deck” is a whole lot less inspiring.

Alterac Valley Rare cards reveled

So, you think you might have seen the best already. Look closely, since these rare Alterac Valley cards reveal Objectives that might be key to making that awesome deck win the battle.

<em>Live fast, die twice.</em>
Live fast, die twice.
<em>You can combine two of these into a Captain Archon.</em>
You can combine two of these into a Captain Archon.
<em>The 1 reason Alliance members defect to the Horde is to adopt a cute frostwolf puppy.<br></em>
The 1 reason Alliance members defect to the Horde is to adopt a cute frostwolf puppy.
<em>We get it, you're undead. But jumping out of a grave? That's a bit much.</em>
We get it, you're undead. But jumping out of a grave? That's a bit much.
<em>So, do we have advantage? Can I sneak attack?</em>
So, do we have advantage? Can I sneak attack?
<em>Except healers. You go to the back.</em>
Except healers. You go to the back.
<em>Known by some as the “Stormpike Naptime Lounge.”</em>
Known by some as the “Stormpike Naptime Lounge.”
<em>May your harvest be dreadful.</em>
May your harvest be dreadful.
<em>When you're putting your head in the lion's mouth, you may as well dress the part.</em>
When you're putting your head in the lion's mouth, you may as well dress the part.
<em>On weekends, it hosts the local community theater rehearsals.</em>
On weekends, it hosts the local community theater rehearsals.
<em>“The spoils of war ain’t free… Unless you’re me!”</em>
“The spoils of war ain’t free… Unless you’re me!”
<em>Bless is bmore.</em>
Bless is bmore.
<em>At least there's no fall damage in Hearthstone.<br></em>
At least there's no fall damage in Hearthstone.
<em>Best friends never really leave.<br></em>
Best friends never really leave.
<em>This is the coolest spell once you get it rolling.<br></em>
This is the coolest spell once you get it rolling.
<em>“Why is it called Iceblood Tower?” “Not really sure. Anyways, try not to lose your footing on any of the frozen bodies as you make your way in.”</em>
“Why is it called Iceblood Tower?” “Not really sure. Anyways, try not to lose your footing on any of the frozen bodies as you make your way in.”
<em>A big fan of four-claw discounts.</em>
A big fan of four-claw discounts.
<em>The Stormpike have a very direct take on life insurance.</em>
The Stormpike have a very direct take on life insurance.
<em>Not snowblind; she can spot a level 51 noob over 40 yards away.</em>
Not snowblind; she can spot a level 51 noob over 40 yards away.
<em>"Is the shield being shattered or doing the shattering?" "Yes."</em>
"Is the shield being shattered or doing the shattering?" "Yes."
<em>Fabled questgiver of the “Get me candle”, “Get me another candle”, and “Get me 11 more candle” questline.</em>
Fabled questgiver of the “Get me candle”, “Get me another candle”, and “Get me 11 more candle” questline.
<em>We now have a more accurate answer to the age-old question "What's cooler than being cool?"</em>
We now have a more accurate answer to the age-old question "What's cooler than being cool?"
<em>People are dying to get in.</em>
People are dying to get in.
<em>They could probably do with a dash of Arcane Humility.</em>
They could probably do with a dash of Arcane Humility.
<em>Brutalist architecture for brutal times.<br></em>
Brutalist architecture for brutal times.
<em>Can’t stay out too late. I gotta head back home to the ol’ ball and chained demon.<br></em>
Can’t stay out too late. I gotta head back home to the ol’ ball and chained demon.
<em>I heard it's lovely there around this time of year</em>
I heard it's lovely there around this time of year
<em>You can never choose the wrong path if you make your own.</em>
You can never choose the wrong path if you make your own.
<em>Adventurers were quite confused when they saw how many boots were frozen to the ceiling.</em>
Adventurers were quite confused when they saw how many boots were frozen to the ceiling.
<em>Baa ram ewe! To your dwarves, your beard, Stormpike clan be true!</em>
Baa ram ewe! To your dwarves, your beard, Stormpike clan be true!
<em>Likes chilly, hates chili.</em>
Likes chilly, hates chili.
<em>"Quick, strike a super hero pose!"</em>
"Quick, strike a super hero pose!"
<em>This isn’t your average, everyday evil. This is ADVANCED evil.</em>
This isn’t your average, everyday evil. This is ADVANCED evil.
<em>“Coggsprocket! We happy?" "Yeah, we happy."</em>
“Coggsprocket! We happy?" "Yeah, we happy."

Alterac Valley Common cards reveled

Last but not least, here they come, the common cards. Before you make assumptions, give them a chance they will serve you with Honorable Kills.

<em>Why spend mine when I can take yours?</em>
Why spend mine when I can take yours?
<em>Very dangerous shoulder-to-ears situation here.</em>
Very dangerous shoulder-to-ears situation here.
<em>As soon as you land your first Honorable Kill, trust me, you'll be hooked!</em>
As soon as you land your first Honorable Kill, trust me, you'll be hooked!
<em>If they want your picnic basket, I recommend giving it to them.</em>
If they want your picnic basket, I recommend giving it to them.
<em>Its arrival heralds the Brain Freeze Yeti.</em>
Its arrival heralds the Brain Freeze Yeti.
<em>"Hey Jake." "Back again?" "Yup." "See you in 2 minutes."</em>
"Hey Jake." "Back again?" "Yup." "See you in 2 minutes."
<em>When he’s sitting in the graveyard ready to rez, he’s incorporal.</em>
When he’s sitting in the graveyard ready to rez, he’s incorporal.
<em>If your vitality lasts longer than four hours, consult a Priest.</em>
If your vitality lasts longer than four hours, consult a Priest.
<em>Frozen funnel cakes taste just like ice cream, if you pretend real hard.</em>
Frozen funnel cakes taste just like ice cream, if you pretend real hard.
<em>Get your RAM in pairs for better performance.</em>
Get your RAM in pairs for better performance.
<em>No take candle. BE CANDLE.</em>
No take candle. BE CANDLE.
<em>There must have been some magic in that old ice mace we found.</em>
There must have been some magic in that old ice mace we found.
<em>“I don’t care how hot it is. I am not going over there to be your air conditioning."</em>
“I don’t care how hot it is. I am not going over there to be your air conditioning."
<em>When you've reached the peak of competition twice, how hard can winning one valley be?</em>
When you've reached the peak of competition twice, how hard can winning one valley be?
<em>It's killed and it'll kill again!</em>
It's killed and it'll kill again!
<em>The clarion call of the Alliance skipping every objective and going straight to Drek’thar.</em>
The clarion call of the Alliance skipping every objective and going straight to Drek’thar.
<em>All the body spray went to her head.</em>
All the body spray went to her head.
<em>What do you mean shooting them in the back isn’t honorable?!</em>
What do you mean shooting them in the back isn’t honorable?!
<em>I see your argument, but…do you have a flag?</em>
I see your argument, but…do you have a flag?
<em>Tips to survive a frostwolf attack: -Stay calm -Lay down -Drizzle steak sauce over your body Brought to you by the Frostwolf Council for Alliance Safety.</em>
Tips to survive a frostwolf attack: -Stay calm -Lay down -Drizzle steak sauce over your body Brought to you by the Frostwolf Council for Alliance Safety.
<em>I bet it’s just exaggerating.</em>
I bet it’s just exaggerating.
<em>“But Commander, I already did the connaissance.”</em>
“But Commander, I already did the connaissance.”
<em>Takes the ugly scraps of armor from dead players and combine them into ridiculous looking PVP armor sets.</em>
Takes the ugly scraps of armor from dead players and combine them into ridiculous looking PVP armor sets.
<em>Do you know what they call Scouts that aren't sneaky? Target practice.</em>
Do you know what they call Scouts that aren't sneaky? Target practice.
<em>Centurion? Ha, come back when you’re a millennion.</em>
Centurion? Ha, come back when you’re a millennion.
<em>You’re finally awake! That fall looked really bad. Demon Hunters? Mercenaries? What are you talking about? Come on, I just unpacked a Golden Moorabi, let’s go build a Freeze Shaman deck.</em>
You’re finally awake! That fall looked really bad. Demon Hunters? Mercenaries? What are you talking about? Come on, I just unpacked a Golden Moorabi, let’s go build a Freeze Shaman deck.
<em>The whole thing's based on the Rubber-Glue Phenomenon.</em>
The whole thing's based on the Rubber-Glue Phenomenon.
<em>*not related to the Burning Legion</em>
*not related to the Burning Legion
<em>"Humongous what?" -Torug's last words.</em>
"Humongous what?" -Torug's last words.
<em>In each of us beats a wild heart. Except the Forsaken.</em>
In each of us beats a wild heart. Except the Forsaken.
<em>And under the Alliance tabard? Another Horde tabard.</em>
And under the Alliance tabard? Another Horde tabard.
<em>Best hair in the valley.</em>
Best hair in the valley.
<em>She's doing her part.</em>
She's doing her part.
<em>Pump up the ram, pump it up. While your hooves are stompin’.</em>
Pump up the ram, pump it up. While your hooves are stompin’.
<em>Keep your allies close. Keep your evil demons in your weapon.</em>
Keep your allies close. Keep your evil demons in your weapon.
<em>"Welcome to Dun Baldar Felwings! Do you want 'em mild, spicy, or BURNING Legion?"</em>
"Welcome to Dun Baldar Felwings! Do you want 'em mild, spicy, or BURNING Legion?"
<em>In 30 minutes or less, or else it’s free!</em>
In 30 minutes or less, or else it’s free!
<em>The Inept Clawfury is a danger only to themselves.</em>
The Inept Clawfury is a danger only to themselves.
<em>The thermometer says it’s 0° right now, but with the windchill it feels like -25°.</em>
The thermometer says it’s 0° right now, but with the windchill it feels like -25°.
<em>Best helmet in the valley.</em>
Best helmet in the valley.
<em>Remember to use your sick days wisely.</em>
Remember to use your sick days wisely.
<em>Imp my ride</em>
Imp my ride
<em>I can't feel my axe!</em>
I can't feel my axe!
<em>You! Shall not! Pass!</em>
You! Shall not! Pass!
<em>She keeps her Fel spells nice and organized in her defiling cabinet.</em>
She keeps her Fel spells nice and organized in her defiling cabinet.
<em>The sad reality of a raging toothpaste addiction.</em>
The sad reality of a raging toothpaste addiction.
<em>When you’re riding a wolf, it’s in charge and you're allowed to make suggestions.</em>
When you’re riding a wolf, it’s in charge and you're allowed to make suggestions.
<em>Has never donated blood and doesn’t plan on ever doing so.</em>
Has never donated blood and doesn’t plan on ever doing so.
<em>How it feels to chew Fel Gum.</em>
How it feels to chew Fel Gum.

The list is finally complete. If you want to learn everything about Alterac Valley, make sure to check this announcement article. For more Hearthstone news and updates stay tuned to See you in Alterac Valley, we will never fall back!