Here are all of the correct quiz answers for the limited-time event. We also go over how Fu Shi and Embla’s stories intertwine.
Dislyte will soon welcome Fu Shi (Suan Ni) into its roster of five-star units. This means another Esper Pop Quiz event that results in free items such as Gold Records or Nexus Crystals. Read on for all of the correct Dislyte quiz answers for Fu Shi! We also go into his lore and relationship with Embla.

Dislyte Esper Pop Quiz Fu Shi answers
- Day 1: Which mythology is Suan Ni from? — B. Chinese
- Day 2: Which of these things does Fu Shi like? — A. Aromatherapy
- Day 3: Who is Fu Shi in love with? — C. Embla

Fu Shi represents Suan Ni from Chinese mythology. Suan Ni is a mythical and lion-shaped creature, and Fu Shi's in-game design represents that well. As for the Esper's likes, they include aromatherapy and meditation.

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Fu Shi and Embla's relationship
In Dislyte, Fu Shi's voice lines and abilities have a focus on Embla. His trailer also involves red butterflies that represent the other Inferno Esper. This is because Fu Shi's goal involves getting Embla her memories back.

When Embla awakened with the powers of Ymir after an incident, she became more and more forgetful whenever she used those powers. Eventually, Embla joined the Shadow Decree organization and became one of its most vicious fighters. Fu Shi also joined the organization with the hope that the real Embla was still in there. According to the lore, there might be some hope because Embla feels like she could trust Fu Shi.
Dislyte Fu Shi (Suan Ni) abilities
- Billowing Strike: Deals damage to 1 enemy based on ATK and DEF. Gains 1 stack of Smokescreen.
- Smokescreen (Undispellable): Increases DEF and DMG Mitigation. Dealing damage recovers HP. Increases healing amount. Max 5 stacks. Will not be removed in subsequent rounds.
- Thick Haze (Passive): Gains 5 stacks of Smokescreen at the start of a round. When having 5 stacks of Smokescreen, becomes immune to all controls.
- When both Embla and Fu Shi are present, Embla won't die, and this effect will be cleared permanently upon Fu Shi's death (this effect only takes effect in PvP battles). After Embla actively casts basic ability, Fu Shi launches a Pursuit Attack with basic ability. After Fu Shi actively casts basic ability, Embla launches a Pursuit Attack with basic ability.
- Eightfold Mistblade: Deals damage to 1 enemy multiple times based on ATK and DEF. This ability unlocks when Fu Shi has 5 stacks of Smokescreen. After casting this ability, consumes 5 stacks of Smokescreen and gains Dispersal for 1 turn. This ability's cooldown is not affected by any abilities.
- Dispersal (Undispellable): Increases DEF and DMG Mitigation. Dealing damage recovers HP. Increases healing amount. After casting Billowing Strike, performs a Pursuit Attack using Fogbreaker. Will not be removed in subsequent rounds.

As for Fu Shi's abilities, they include Billowing Strike, Thick Haze, and Eightfold Mistblade. This five-star Infernal Esper is also a Defender unit. As noted by the official patch notes, Fu Shi synergizes well with Embla, too. Moreover, his Eightfold Mistblade ability is good against shields and can deal significant damage.
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