FF7 Rebirth: How to find Quetzalcoatl for the windmill quest
A step-by-step guide on the “Where the Wind Blows” quest.

Devin Soetjipto
FF7 Rebirth: How to upgrade weapons and acquire new skills
Learn how to upgrade your weapons and acquire new skills in a quick FF7 Rebirth beginner’s guide.

Devin Soetjipto
FF7 Rebirth physical game has its discs mislabeled, but it still works!
Mislabeled FF7 Rebirth physical discs may have caused some panic! Fortunately, they work just fine! Just think reverse.

Devin Soetjipto

Let’s get going: How to skip FF7 Rebirth demo chapter
Don’t want to play the FF7 Rebirth demo again? Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can skip it in the main game.

Devin Soetjipto

FF7 Rebirth demo: Sephiroth combat guide and more
WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD! Get a taste of FF7 Rebirth with a demo covering the “Fall of a Hero in Nibelheim” chapter where you get to play Sephiroth.

Devin Soetjipto