How to Change Your Name in Battle.Net?
Here’s how to change your battletag in the Blizzard client. Choose wisely!
Two weeks of regular season left in ESC Week 10 Preview
What’s coming up in Week 10?

Zachary Roberson
A Red Bird Rivalry and a battle of Ohio in ESC Week 8 Preview
Here is what is coming in Week 8.

Zachary Roberson

Future Overwatch 2 heroes will be free for all players
In an exciting developer update, Overwatch 2 announced that all the game’s heroes will be free to play starting in Season 10!

Raviprakash Rao

Teams need Samoa wins in ESC Overwatch Week 3 Preview
Week three of the Spring Overwatch 2 season is here for the Esports Collegiate Conference (ESC)! Check out all the info for Week 3 here.

Zachary Roberson

Regular season continues in ESC Overwatch Week 2 Preview
The revenge tour for Northeastern is gearing up for Week 2.

Zachary Roberson

How to fix Overwatch 2 voice chat not working
Here are instructions and screenshots on how to fix voice chat in Overwatch 2 for both PC and console players.
Amy Chen

Blizzard manager leaves in protest of employee stack ranking policy
Stack ranking policy causes a Blizzard manager to protest, refusing to work, which resulted in them being let go. Editorial Team

Study shows Overwatch players at higher ranks have different psychological response
A recent study looked into the psychological changes that happen before, during, and after an Overwatch match depending on players’ ranks. Editorial Team

Blizzard has a new way to deal with toxicity in Overwatch 2
Will the Defense Matrix program reduce toxicity in Overwatch 2? Blizzard is rolling out a new solution to bad behavior. Editorial Team