CS2 versus VALORANT: Is the legacy of CS holding strong in the face of its rival?

Jarrad Adams

Jarrad Adams

Counter-Strike 2 and VALORANT go head-to-head as two of the best tactical first-person shooters available today.

When it comes to first-person shooter (FPS) games, Counter-Strike 2 (CS2) and VALORANT are the first two that spring to mind for many. While the two games are similar, they remain vastly different – and compete for the top spot in the genre. From veteran players to newer ones, the choice between the two titles is tough. Some might enjoy the old-school feeling of CS, while others prefer the shinier and brighter VALORANT.

Same game, different execution

Tactical FPS titles exist in many different forms. Each does something a bit different, but CS2 and VALORANT are closely related. Both put teams of five players against each other. One side is the attacker, generally having to plant a bomb, while the other is the defender, tasked with defusing the bomb and fending off the attackers. However, even with these similarities, the two titles have many glaring differences.

Does CS2 stand the test of time, or is newer always better?

Looking closely at CS, the game has been around for decades, technically. The player base has remained strong through numerous iterations of the same formula, with updates coming in to change various aspects over time. Although many may recall a time when 1.6 or Source was the prime FPS, CS: Global Offensive (CS:GO) and CS2 have moved the game forward. However, VVALORANT has become its biggest challenger, with the game rising to popularity over the last few years. With a less stressful feeling although that is definitely user perception, VALORANT gained far greater traction.

VALORANT Champions Los Angeles (Image via <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/valorantesports/53143669116" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Riot Games</a>)
VALORANT Champions Los Angeles (Image via Riot Games)

Agents versus tradition

One of the main differences between the games is the player-controlled characters. This changes the way in which the game progresses.

  • CS2

On the side of CS2, players are not given the choice of a character directly. Although there are several cosmetics available for purchase through microtransactions nowadays, the game is more formal in having Counter Terrorists (CT) versus Terrorists (T). Each side has a few differences in the weapons that they can purchase each round, such as the M4A1-S for CT or AK-47 for T-side. With utilities such as Smoke, Incendiary, High Explosive Grenades, and Flashbangs for both sides, each team must work together to take the win.

CS2 buy menu (Screenshot via esports.gg)
CS2 buy menu (Screenshot via esports.gg)

Quite differently, VALORANT features named Agents who hail from different parts of the world. Each Agent comes with their own set of unique skills and abilities. The Agents of VALORANT are split into 4 distinct categories: Duelist, Initiator, Sentinel, and Controller.  Some excel at creating cover, while others are better at pushing forward into a point or taking a 1v1 fight. Each agent can also purchase their version of either Smoke Grenades, Flashbangs, or other useful parts of their kit to take advantage of the game.

VALORANT - Raze Boombot (Screenshot via esports.gg)
VALORANT - Raze Boombot (Screenshot via esports.gg)

Visuals make the difference

Looking at CS2, one may get the feeling of a more traditional game. Much of it is set up similar to a military-inspired shooter, with some great maps recognized throughout the franchise history. However, some things have changed a fair amount with the inclusion of skins for pretty much everything within the game. VALORANT is much more vibrant, with colorful textures by the bucket and over-the-top skins to go with it. The latter also makes things more spectacular, with more visually stunning effects.

On both sides, there are thousands of skins purchasable through microtransactions. When it comes to CS, some iconic skins have graced the game over the years. The Dragon Lore and HypeBeast skins come to mind instantly. CS2 skins are generally more standard, fitting in with the game.

Dragon Lore AWP skin in CS2 (Screenshot via esports.gg)
Dragon Lore AWP skin in CS2 (Screenshot via esports.gg)

In VALORANT, depending on the rarity and cost of the skin, they can sometimes feature special effects added in, like reload animations or headshot effects. VALORANT skins definitely feel more theatrical, keeping in mind the game is also more “cartoony.”

VALORANT's Elderflame weapon collection (Image via Riot Games)
VALORANT's Elderflame weapon collection (Image via Riot Games)

CS2 versus VALORANT: The conclusion

At the end of the day, both games seem to exist in harmony. Although many have left CS2 behind in favor of VALORANT’s 128-tick rate servers and better anti-cheat system, Valve’s franchise continues to excel. For CS in general, the game has seen some very memorable players in the professional esports world and continues to grow. That said, VALORANT is beginning to see the same. If you are a fan of the tactical FPS genre, both these games are interesting in their own way – and both will be sure to empty your wallet when you see the best knife skins on display.

IEM Cologne 2023 (Image via Intel/ESL)
IEM Cologne 2023 (Image via Intel/ESL)

For more news and all the information on both CS2 and VALORANT, stay tuned to esports.gg.