Shred your opponents in Deadlock with this Wraith build.
Wraith is one of the most popular heroes in Deadlock, and she can inflict a lot of damage as long as you have the right build.
This Wraith build will focus on inflicting a lot of damage in the late game by sacrificing some of her health. This build caters to players who enjoy carrying games and know when to engage and disengage. If you overextend your mark, there's a solid chance you'll just feed kills to the enemy team, so be wary of that.
Best Wraith build to shred enemies
Build name to search: Wraith late game carry -
As the name says, this Wraith build is all about dealing tons of damage in the late game. For that, you must pick Glass Cannon in the late game, which sacrifices 15% of your health to boost damage output. This will guarantee you melt down opponents in one-versus-one (1v1) duels as long as you know when to strike them and use the Project Mind ability to get away.
Early game
Always buy in order of appearance.
Item Type Item | Vitality Extra Regen | Vitality Extra Health | Spirit Ammo Scavenger | Weapon Basic Magazine | Vitality Extra Stamina | Spirit Mystic Burst | Spirit Quicksilver Reload | Vitality Bullet Lifesteal |
Mid game
Always buy in order of appearance.
Item Type Item | Vitality Enduring Speed | Weapon Intensifying Magazine | Weapon Burst Fire | Weapon Ricochet | Spirit Bullet Resist Shredder |
Late game
Always buy in order of appearance.
Item Type Item | Weapon Glass Cannon | Weapon Crippling Headshot | Weapon Vampiric Burst | Weapon Lucky Shot | Vitality Unstoppable | Vitality Superior Stamina | Spirit Improved Reach | Spirit Superior Duration | Vitality Leech |
Wraith abilities and upgrades
You're going to be your team's assassin with this Wraith build in Deadlock. In the early game, focus on mobility rather than going all-in for damage abilities. From the mid game and onwards, you should focus on upgrading Full Auto and Telekinesis before upgrading Card Trick and Project Mind once again.
- Card Trick: Deal weapon damage to summon cards. Activate to throw a card that flies towards the enemy or point under your crosshair.
- Project Mind: Teleport to the targeted location.
- Full Auto: Temporarily boosts your fire rate. Nearby allies receive half the fire rate bonus.
- Telekinesis: Lift an enemy hero into the air, stunning them for a short time. When the lift ends, the target receives Telekinesis damage.
Strengths and weaknesses of this Wraith build in Deadlock
As you can see, this Wraith build is not for everyone. It caters to players who like to inflict burst damage and know when to disengage. If you overstep your mark, you'll most likely be taken down as you won't have the health to endure much damage.
Strengths Weaknesses | Late game carry Doesn't have the health to sustain long fights | High mobility Gets too vulnerable if Project Mind isn't available | Easy to engage Telekinesis can be easily countered by Spirit item Ethereal Shift |
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