Keraunios god roll and best perks in Destiny 2

Nicholas Taifalos

Nicholas Taifalos

A strike from the heavens, and a god roll that you MUST get!

Keraunios arrived in Destiny 2 during Episode: Heresy and it made an impression early with several decent god rolls and great perk choices. It won't be around forever, and if you miss it now, you'll be waiting a year before getting it again!

Here's the god roll for Keraunios in Destiny 2.

What is the Keraunios god roll in Destiny 2?

Keraunios means "lightning strike" in Ancient Greek. (Screenshot by
Keraunios means "lightning strike" in Ancient Greek. (Screenshot by

Keraunios PvE god roll

BarrelCorkscrew Rifling
BatteryEnhanced Battery
Trait 1Overflow
Recycled Energy
Trait 2Jolting Feedback
Detonator Beam
Rolling Storm
Origin Trait, Masterwork, Weapon ModClassy Contender (Origin Trait)
Reload Speed (Masterwork)
Backup Mag (Weapon Mod)

Keraunios, like it's Iron Lord cousin Warlord's Spear, is shaping as a PvE monster. Overflow is an awesome perk for trace rifles, especially if you're planning to use it as a primary. You can also pair it with Recycled Energy if you're using an ability-based build, as it pairs well with the Classy Contender Origin Trait.

Column two is a free for all based on personal preferences. As an Arc Titan I'm loving Rolling Storm for that Bolt Charge stacking, but Jolting Feedback works great too as a jolting add-clear perk. Detonator Beam is the trace rifle version of Kinetic Tremors so you've got add-clearing there too. If all else fails, Killing Tally boosts the damage of Keraunios significantly and is a suitable perk.

Keraunios PvP god roll

BatteryProjection Fuse
Trait 1Dynamic Sway Reduction
Hip-Fire Grip
Trait 2Closing Time
Killing Wind
Origin Trait, Masterwork, Weapon ModClassy Contender (Origin Trait)
Range (Masterwork)
Ballistics (Weapon Mod)

Dynamic Sway Reduction boosts stability the longer you hold the trigger, and with Closing Time doing the same for range and accuracy, Keraunios is as easy to use as it gets in PvP.

Be sure to pick up plenty of special ammo to keep the trace rifle firing in the Crucible. If Closing Time isn't your groove, Killing Wind provides similar benefits; you'll just need a kill first!

How to get Keraunios in Destiny 2

Get it before Guardian Games ends! (Image via Bungie)
Get it before Guardian Games ends! (Image via Bungie)

Keraunios is only available to players during Guardian Games. It launched with Guardian Games 2025, which ends in early April.

You'll get your first Keraunios by progressing the Best In Class quest from Eva Levante. After this, handing in medals at the Tower during Guardian Games has a chance of rewarding a Keraunios.

This weapon can't be crafted; you'll have to level the weapon up for the enhanced perks.

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