Lotus-Eater god roll and best perks in Destiny 2

Nicholas Taifalos

Nicholas Taifalos

A new Void rocket sidearm has arrived, and it’s a doozy!

We all love rocket sidearms in Destiny 2, but some are definitely better than others. Lotus-Eater might just top the list, with several different god rolls catering to everyone's playstyle.

Be quick, though! If you don't pick one up soon, you'll be waiting a while for the next one! Here's the god roll for Lotus-Eater in Destiny 2.

What is the Lotus-Eater god roll in Destiny 2?

So many great perks... (Screenshot by esports.gg)
So many great perks... (Screenshot by esports.gg)

Lotus-Eater PvE god roll

BarrelLinear Compensator
MagazineAppended Mag
Trait 1Reconstruction
Repulsor Brace
Trait 2Withering Gaze
Destabilizing Rounds
One For All
Origin Trait, Masterwork, Weapon ModVanguard's Vindication (Origin Trait)
Reload Speed (Masterwork)
Backup Mag (Weapon Mod)

Let's not beat around the bush here. Reconstruction is an incredible perk on any Special weapon, especially a rocket sidearm (assuming you're using it as a secondary weapon)! The ability to overflow the magazine while stowed is great.

That said, if you're using this more as a primary weapon, Repulsor Brace (with Void subclass synergy) or Shoot to Loot are better picks. Don't forget to use reserve mods as otherwise you may find yourself short on ammo!

For column two, it's really a personal preference. Withering Gaze applies weaken to the target, allowing for increased damage with your other weapons and abilities. Destabilizing Rounds works with Void subclasses to spread Volatile and clear groups of adds. One For All is the classic damage-boosting perk that is easily activated by a rocket sidearm. They're all great picks!

Lotus-Eater PvP god roll

BarrelQuick Launch
MagazineHigh-Velocity Rounds
Trait 1Beacon Rounds
Trait 2High Ground
Origin Trait, Masterwork, Weapon ModVanguard's Vindication (Origin Trait)
Reload Speed (Masterwork)
Quick Access Sling (Weapon Mod)

Rocket sidearms aren't commonly seen in PvP, but Lotus-Eater might buck that trend with these perks. Beacon Rounds makes hitting subsequent targets a breeze thanks to its tracking boost. Keep in mind that you'll need plenty of ammo, so chase those special bricks!

The second column is less exciting for PvP. The best we've got here is High Ground for extra damage while airborne or above a target. Increase your airborne effectiveness in any way, and you'll be flying through the air, blowing targets to smithereens.

How to get Lotus-Eater in Destiny 2

You must unlock this item by having one drop from a Nightfall before you can reroll your engrams. (Screenshot by esports.gg)
You must unlock this item by having one drop from a Nightfall before you can reroll your engrams. (Screenshot by esports.gg)

Lotus-Eater is a Vanguard Nightfall weapon introduced with Episode: Heresy. Complete Nightfall activities for a chance to get Lotus-Eater during an active week. Once you've got your first Lotus-Eater, you can reroll Vanguard Engrams at Zavala for more copies with different perks.

Adept versions of Lotus-Eater drop from Grandmaster Nightfalls, and each comes with double perks, meaning you'll get your hands on a god roll a lot faster. This weapon can't be crafted, so once you've got the roll you want, enhance the weapon for upgraded perks.

That's all for now! Visit esports.gg for more Destiny 2 news and guides.