How to use Dota 2 Pro Tracker to gain some MMR

Pro players may not be doing guides on how to win, but you can check all their builds and copy what works for you with Dota2ProTracker!

Dota 2's learning curve is one of its biggest downsides, as many people to master the game even after thousands of hours. Along with DOTABUFF and DatDota; Dota 2 Pro Tracker is one of the most visited websites for the game. While the first two focus on tournament statistics, the latter can become a powerful learning tool. The site gathers information on pro player builds, trackers for Match IDs and streams, meta picks, and more.

However, all this information can be overwhelming. Here, you'll learn what to watch for, how to take advantage of relevant sections, and learn how to read information.

Dota 2 Pro Tracker's Homepage
Dota 2 Pro Tracker's Homepage

1. Main menu: An extended version of what we see on the homepage

There are two things you must do if you want to be a power user. First, check the "meta" tab regularly. There, you'll immediately find the highest winrate picks according to the ammount of matches picked. But pay attention to the "pick phase" indicator. Some heroes have low win probability if they're picked too early or too late.

If you're playing with a friend, you can also click the "lanes" option to build some combos around your favorite heroes. Just select the strongest pick you have, and tell your buddy to choose one of the highest winrate supports or cores according to it. The default minimum matches in this section is set to 20. We strongly recommend you to change it to 100. However, if you can't find any hero you can confidently pick, lower it down to 50 or back to 20.

Last, the "facets" option is pretty straightforward. Start by selecting your role, click the "winrate" column, and you will get the best facet recommendations for each hero. However, this doesn't mean you can't pick the other one. Click the hero to see how the second facet is doing before discarding it.

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2. Top heroes: A quick review of the meta

As previously said, it's better to go straight to the meta section from Dota 2 Pro Tracker's main menu. Nevertheless, if you want to do a quick check, don't forget to filter using the "role" section. Most heroes are not compatible between positions.

3. Notable players: Follow a pro today!

Here, you can find a list of pro players for each position that are currently playing a LOT of Dota. Active players are not always the ones winning tournaments, but the meta is different for ranked games.

This tab is specially useful when you click on one of the players name, to see more than their top picks. Dive as deep as you can in this section. Understanding why different games with the same hero have itemization variations will help you understand how to counter picks with items instead of relying only on the hero you have. Also, don't get distracted by the "100% winrate" text; always check the amount of games played, one or two wins are not a reliable indicator.

But if you're a fan of a certain player, just use the search bar and type the name!

4. Cheat sheet: A time saver using Dota 2 Pro Tracker's data

Thanks to the STRATZ API, you can save time if you don't want to analyze why pros build their items. The Cheat sheet uses the same information you'll find for top meta picks, adding the hero builds with the highest winrate. Thus, you can save time understanding why pros buy certain items, or what abilities they level up. This is guide is based on stats, and ignores specific match ups. Therefore, make sure you're not following it blindly.

5 & 6. Live pro player games for some inspiration!

The last two sections focus on live games. Dota 2 Pro Tracker will show you the most popular high-ranked players currently streaming. Remember not all of them are pro players, double check if they're seriously grinding or just memeing on stream.

If you want to see the games showed on the left column, just follow this steps:

  • Click the "Console Code" button
  • Open Dota 2 and make sure you have "Enable console" activated and a hotkey set for it. If you are doing it right now, it's the last option under the "Advanced options" left column. Don't forget to restart the client.
  • Press your console hotkey, paste the code you copied, and hit "enter".

There's no quick way to raise your MMR. However, sites like Dota 2 Pro Tracker will help you better understand what the most skilled players in the world are doing. As a personal recommendation, this is a list of extra things you can try to keep improving.

  • Don't use only the simplified content that YouTubers give. Players like Jenkins, BSJ and Speeed give really useful advice. But it's always good to keep improving your critical thinking skills. For this, you can follow Dota Persona to see raw footage of pros playing specific heroes. Watch them play, understand why they are taking certain decisions, and don't feel afraid to copy some of their timings or warding spots, if you play as a support.
  • Meta is not everything. If you have one pick you love, spam it. Master the hero you enjoy playing the most. In the end, it's all about how good you can do with the tools you dominate.
  • Don't test heroes on ranked games. As simple as this sound, no guide will give you the mechanical skills needed to play good on your first attempt. Remember, you're playing against people spamming their best picks.
  • Watch a replay before playing. Search for a game of a pro playing the hero you want to play. This way, you will warm up your mind before your match.

And, of course, check our Dota 2 section for trending news on the latest tournaments!