Here’s our Lunar Blessings Tavern Brawl guide plus the list of available blessings for each class!
This week's Hearthstone Tavern Brawl is Lunar Blessings! Read on for our Lunar Blessings Tavern Brawl guide plus the list of every possible blessing choice.

Hearthstone Lunar Blessings Tavern Brawl
In the Lunar Blessings Tavern Brawl, you must select a class to get a random deck. After the mulligan phase, you'll get to choose from three blessings. There are 12 of these blessings in total, and the selection of blessings also depends on your chosen Hearthstone class.

The screenshot above features Hearthstone's Blessing of the Pig, Blessing of the Ox, and Blessing of the Rooster. If you're going second, you can strategize a bit based on what your opponent chose as their blessing as well.

For example, since the opponent chose the Blessing of the Dog in the screenshot above, all of their minions summon a 1/1 Mastiff upon elimination. A way to counter this is by selecting the Blessing of the Ox to give your minions more health and board control.

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Lunar Blessings Tavern Brawl guide
Although the Hearthstone Lunar Blessings Tavern Brawl uses random decks, don't be afraid to take advantage of any synergies that occur during a match. Blackwing Corruptor, for example, can deal five damage to an enemy if you're holding a Dragon minion in your hand!

Meanwhile, a minion like Unstable Ghoul can be used strategically for a board clear against 1/1 Mastiff units. Don't forget to deal some damage to face as well.

Hearthstone Lunar Blessings list
- Blessing of the Rat: Whenever you summon a minion that costs (3) or less, give it Reborn.
- Blessing of the Ox: Whenever you summon a minion, give it +3 Health.
- Blessing of the Tiger: Whenever you summon a minion, give it +1 Attack.
- Blessing of the Rabbit: Whenever you summon a minion that costs (3) or less, give it Rush.
- Blessing of the Dragon: Whenever you cast a spell, add a random Dragon to your hand.
- Blessing of the Snake: Whenever you summon a minion that costs (3) or less, give it Stealth.
- Blessing of the Horse: Your spells cost (1) less.
- Blessing of the Sheep: At the start of your turn, restore 3 Health to a damaged friendly character.
- Blessing of the Monkey: At the end of your turn, transform a random friendly minion into one that costs (1) more.
- Blessing of the Rooster: Whenever you use your Hero Power, deal 2 damage to a random enemy.
- Blessing of the Dog: Whenever you summon a minion, give it "Deathrattle: Summon a 1/1 Mastiff."
- Blessing of the Pig: Whenever you summon a minion, add a coin to your hand.

Hearthstone Lunar Blessings classes
- Death Knight: Pig, Rat, Ox
- Demon Hunter: Pig, Rat, Rabbit
- Druid: Monkey, Snake, Dog
- Hunter: Horse, Rabbit, Dog
- Mage: Horse, Pig, Dragon
- Paladin: Tiger, Dragon, Dog
- Priest: Pig, Sheep, Rooster
- Rogue: Tiger, Snake, Rooster
- Shaman: Monkey, Rat, Sheep
- Warlock: Rat, Ox, Rabbit
- Warrior: Pig, Ox, Rooster

As mentioned, there are 12 blessings in total, but each class can only choose from three specific ones. We've created a list that indicates which blessings are available as well.
That's all for now. Stick around on for more Hearthstone news, guides, and updates!