Get your free weekly Hearthstone pack with The Fury of Kael’Thas Tavern Brawl, check out the article for deck codes.

Kael'Thas' past can't chain him forever, he is back in this weekly Hearthstone Tavern Brawl: The Fury of Kael'Thas. This Hearthstone Tavern Brawl rewards highly synergistic spell-based decks. Let's hurry before he unshackles and go over the basics of The Fury of Kael'Thas Tavern Brawl and share some Hearthstone decks to get that free pack while we wait for the arrival of the TITANS expansion.

"The Sun King's rage echoes through the tavern, empowering spellcasters of all kinds. Build a deck and every third spell you cast each turn will cost (0)."

Hearthstone Tavern Brawl deck-building advice

This is the fifth time Hearthstone players will face this Tavern Brawl (the first time this year). In this particular Hearthstone Tavern Brawl, the winning strategies and decks are easy to spot. Having the capacity to cast every third spell for free without any requirements encourages spell-based combo decks.

Kael'Thas Sustrider (pre-nerf), inspiration for this Tavern Brawl - Image via Blizzard
Kael'Thas Sustrider (pre-nerf), inspiration for this Tavern Brawl - Image via Blizzard

This Hearthstone Tavern Brawl lets everyone enjoy Kael'Thas' power and fury. Hearthstone minions have no place in this Tavern Brawl, or do they? As if this was a Duel, you either combo your opponent in the first turns or die trying.

Spell synergies are everything in this Tavern Brawl. Combining 0-cost spells with big payoffs and card draw is the way to go. I'd recommend practicing your APM and making sure you are not susceptible to disconnects before entering the tavern.

Deck codes

The following Hearthstone decks are some examples of what can work in The Fury of Kael'Thas Tavern Brawl.

Ben Hearthstone Spell Druid: AAEBAbPaBQAP0wOHzgLTnAPbpQOxrAPlugOk4QOM5AOvgASunwS5oATPrAT/vQSuwASpngYAAA==

Image via HsReplay
Image via HsReplay
Image via HsReplay
Image via HsReplay

Rane's Burn Mage: AAEBAc2xAgAPhLsCtPwCyIcD+90D0OwD0ewD9PwD/J4E/Z4E4bkE8NMEyt4EgpMF0PgF3/gFAAA=

The idea of both decks is to abuse the Kael'Thas mechanic in this Hearthstone Tavern Brawl to cheat out expensive stuff. Card draw is paramount for not running out of gas. Druid has an edge over Mage since it has more 0-cost spells and a better card draw engine, but both can work.

A less consistent option, but with the best meme potential to have fun in this Hearthstone Tavern Brawl is Front Lines Paladin.

FardHast Front Lines Paladin: AAECAZ8FBND3A+2fBLCyBJKkBQ346APJ6wPb7gOV+QPIoATbpATkpAT1pAT2pATQvQTA4gTK7QT18QQA

Image via HsReplay
Image via HsReplay

These decks aren't as consistent but still work. Paladin uses Order in the Court to tutor Front Lines and just win the game. If you don't have those specific minions, it doesn't matter you can replace them with whatever heavy stuff you feel like.

I hope you enjoy this Fury of Kael'Thas Hearthstone Tavern Brawl and that you find these decks useful. Stay tuned to for more Hearthstone news and updates. See you next time in the Tavern.