Get your squad and try out these League of Legends team comps for the holidays!
It's the holidays, and you know what that means: the whole squad is free again for some 5-man lobbies of League. Here are some Winter and Christmas-themed team compositions you can play on your next League of Legends game to celebrate the season.
Christmas League of Legends team comps to try
Most of the Christmas skins in League of Legends are legacy, but they are available in the shop right now for the holiday season. The Winterblessed skins (and the Sugar Rush ones, if you count them) are the only non-Legacy skinlines.
Dr. Mundo - Graves - LeBlanc - Jinx - Lulu
- Top: Frozen Prince Mundo
- Jungle: Snow Day Graves
- Mid: Mistletoe LeBlanc
- Bot: Ambitious Elf Jinx
- Support: Winter Wonder Lulu

This team composition has a solid top-side for the early game, and a Lulu-powered Jinx who has great potential to take over the mid- to late-game. This team is good at front-to-back teamfights and should steamroll most fights as long as Jinx isn't behind and is protected. This team has an obvious lack of crowd control, however, so champions who can dive the backline like Kayn, Akali or Camille may prove to be troublesome to deal with.
Singed - Master Yi - Malzahar - Tristana - Braum
- Top: Snow Day Singed
- Jungle: Snow Man Yi
- Mid: Snow Day Malzahar
- Bot: Earnest Elf Tristana
- Support: Santa Braum

The game plan is destroy the enemy waves. Singed will ideally proxy his lane, giving Master Yi space to invade or affect other areas of the map. Malzahar and Tristana can easily push their waves, further enabling Yi to get objectives and counterjungle.
Braum's P - Concussive Blows can be easily proc-ed by Yi and Tristana, too. Even while playing from behind, the sidelaning potential of this team is good and can turn the game (or even push for the win) with one good fight.
This composition will have trouble fighting teamfights from behind, however. Singed, Yi, and Malzahar can all prove useless in a fight when misplayed. Tristana also doesn't get much peel with this comp, but her W - Rocket Jump should be enough to get her out of most sticky situations.
Poppy - Fiddlesticks - Orianna - Miss Fortune - Sona
- Top: Snow Fawn Poppy
- Jungle: Dark Candy Fiddlesticks
- Mid: Winter Wonder Orianna
- Bot: Candy Cane Miss Fortune
- Support: Silent Night Sona

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Win teamfights with AoE! This is a wombo-combo comp that thrives in 5v5 teamfights. All of these champions' ultimates can synergize with each other and can win the fight in a snap. Like the previous composition, however, Miss Fortune won't be getting a lot of protection with this team apart from Poppy, so good positioning is a must for the AD Carry player.
On the bright side, as long as you're first to an objective, this comp is practically impossible to walk into. Make sure to clear enemy vision and bait them into facechecking your comp!
Gangplank - Maokai - Veigar - Draven - Soraka
Technically, Toy Soldier Gangplank is part of the Snowdown Showdown skinline. If it's not festive enough for you, replace him with Winterblessed Camille.

- Top: Toy Soldier Gangplank
- Jungle: Festive Maokai
- Mid: Bad Santa Veigar
- Bot: Candy Cane Miss Fortune
- Support: Winter Wonder Soraka
Play for lategame! Scaling carries in top, mid, and botlane all have the potential to reach 1v9 status in the later stages of the game. This does mean that the jungle and support have to take a step back and let their team carry, though. Maokai is an easy source of crowd control and Soraka can help sustain the team through extended teamfights.
This composition takes some time to ramp up and doesn't really have a guarantee for the mid-game. If all three carries fall behind and fail to catch up, the game is pretty much lost. Additionally, you're gonna have to try to not lose for as long as possible to give the chance for the team to scale.
Gragas - Sejuani - Katarina - Kog'Maw - Lulu
- Top: Santa Gragas
- Jungle: Poro Rider Sejuani
- Mid: Slay Belle Katarina
- Bot: Reindeer Kog'Maw
- Support: Winter Wonder Lulu

This team banks on Kog'Maw and Lulu eventually taking over and melting every enemy in the screen. This may require some help from Sejuani and Katarina, though. The comp doesn't fall apart when Kog and Lulu don't pull ahead in the laning phase, so don't worry. Gragas has the flexibility to choose between a tanky build with Fimbulwinter and Riftmaker or an AP build with Hextech Rocketbelt and Shadowflame.
Katarina also has some flexibility on her build, but the usual AP assassin should be the path of choice for her. Sejuani will be the main tank of the team while providing E - Permafrost stacks and stuns.
Enjoy your Christmas-themed LoL games! Stick around for more League of Legends news and updates.