You’ll need either Lunala or Solgaleo to fuse with Necrozma in Pokémon GO.
Saturday, December 14 brings both Necrozma Fusion forms back to Pokémon GO. However, in order to fuse Necrozma you will need either Solgaleo or Lunala, and to get those you will need to have a Cosmog in Pokémon GO. You will only be able to catch Necrozma after the Raid, rather than the fusion forms directly.
Trainers will probably be in one of three camps heading into Necrozma Raid Day. They will have some Cosmogs already that they have evolved, and fused back during GO Fest this summer. They will have any number of Cosmog, Lunala and Solgaleo not fused, or they will never have encountered a Cosmog at all.
So, can you get a Cosmog during this weekends Raid Day in Pokémon GO?
Can you get a Cosmog in Pokémon GO during Necrozma Raid Day?
According to LeekDuck, there will be no way to encounter a Cosmog, a Lunala or a Solgaleo in Pokémon GO during the Necrozma Fusion Raid Day. There has been no communication from Niantic to suggest otherwise.
It was presumed we may get a Timed Research with Cosmog, like when we got a Meteorite on Mega Rayquaza Raid Day. That would allow Trainers to at least be able to fuse one of the Necrozma caught on Saturday.
However, this does not seem to be the case. There will also not be an encounter with either Solgaleo or Lunala like during Pokémon GO Fest events this summer.
So, at least for now, if you don't have a Cosmog, Lunala or Solgaleo in Pokémon GO you seem to be out of luck and unable to fuse any of your Necrozma with the Fusion Energy you get on Saturday.

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How many Cosmog, Lunala and Solgaleo can you have in Pokémon GO?
Trainers have only had access to a very limited number of Cosmog in the game so far, and most of those have required spending some money to get your hands on them. The maximum encounters with any three of those Pokémon is eight, however almost no one will have that many.
The encounters have been:
- 1 Cosmog from the Cosmic Companion Special Research
- 1 Cosmog from the free Starry Skies Special Research
- 1 Cosmog from the paid Starry Skies Special Research
- 1 Solgaleo or Lunala from attending GO Fest Sendai
- 1 Solgaleo or Lunala from attending GO Fest Madrid
- 1 Solgaleo or Lunala from attending GO Fest New York City
- 1 Cosmog from the free Global GO Fest Special Research
- 1 Solgaleo or Lunala from the ticketed Global GO Fest Special Research
It is incredibly unlikely that Trainers will have all of those encounters - because most players don't attend in-person GO Fest events, let alone all three. Most players will have five Cosmog maximum.
But, if you don't have any, you'll have to hope for a new opportunity to get Cosmog in Pokémon GO.
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