How to beat Dynamax Raikou in Pokémon GO – weakness and hundo CP

Tom Bull

Tom Bull

Take on Dynamax Raikou in Pokémon GO this weekend.

This weekend will see Dynamax Raikou come to Pokémon GO. Raikou appears across all of Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 of March in five-star Max Battles. Because these are five-star, they will be capped at four players, not forty like Gigantamax Battles.

That means these battles are a lot more accessible, so this weekend is a great time to get out and play Pokémon GO. To up the ante, Dynamax Raikou can also be shiny.

We've gathered everything you need to know to beat Dynamax Raikou this weekend.

How many Trainers do I need to beat Dynamax Raikou in Pokémon GO?

It is still reasonably early in the Dynamax and Gigantamax system in Pokémon GO. Therefore the answer to this question depends on how invested you and other Trainers are. With really good counters, this could be completed by two Trainers. Otherwise, it is safer to aim for four.

Ideally, in that team of four, you want to have a mix of roles. Two Trainers attacking, one using Max Guard (shielding) and another using Max Spirit (healing). The attackers should focus on Pokémon that counter Raikou, with the others aiming for ones that simply resist its attacks.

What are Dynamax Raikou's weaknesses?

As an Electric-type, Dynamax Raikou has just one weakness in Pokémon GO. It is only weak to Electric-type attacks.

What are the best counters for this Max Battle?

That leaves you very few options to battle Dynamax Raikou in Pokémon GO. We only have one Ground-type Pokémon to use for these Max Battles, Excadrill.

To that end, Drilbur has been in Max Battles and all Trainers got a research to gurantee a Drilbur for your team. Take advantage of that if you don't have one.

The best team to use for this Max Battle is three Excadrill if you can. Otherwise, here is a fuller list of the best Pokémon to use.

Mud Shot
Gigantamax Venusaur
Vine Whip
Gigantamax Gengar
Gigantamax Charizard
Fire Spin
Mud Shot

You could also consider using Metagross or Gigantamax Toxtricity if you are only going to be defending.

Dynamax Raikou hundo CPs

A Pokémon you encounter after Max Battle cannot be weather boosted. That means there is only one hundo CP value to memorise for Dynamax Raikou:

  • 1972 CP

Good luck this weekend, Trainers. Stay tuned to for the latest esports news and more Pokémon GO updates.