Fight like a vicious drake and conquer the Third sea with this Blox Fruits Dragonheart guide.
Obtaining the Dragonheart in Blox Fruits is a tedious process, so get ready for a jam-packed adventure and challenge if you badly want this sword.
The Dragonheart is a Legendary sword released during the game’s Update 24 on December 14, 2024. This weapon’s skill set was supposed to be mere additions to the revamped abilities of the Dragon fruit, but the developers decided it would be cooler to put them to a sword instead.

Players who wield the Dragonheart surely spent a lot of time in the game, as it is one of the most difficult swords to get.
If you’re wondering how to get the Dragonheart sword in Blox Fruits, here is the best guide for you.
Prerequisites for the Dragonheart

Unlocking the crafting recipe for Dragonheart alone takes a lot of time. Assuming you don’t have everything required to get the sword, complete this list of objectives first:
- Learn the Dragon Breath Fighting Style from Sabi in the Kingdom of Rose.
- Keep on using Dragon Breath until you reach 400 mastery.
- Gain access to the Third Sea.
- Upgrade your Dragon Breath to Dragon Talon with the help of Uzoth in Hydra Island’s Dragon Dojo.
- Reach 500 mastery on Dragon Talon.
The moment you have 500 mastery on the Dragon Talon Fighting style, go back to the Dragon Dojo. At this point, you may now proceed with the main quests that will lead you to the Dragonheart sword.
How to get Dragonheart in Blox Fruits

To get the Dragonheart, you have to craft it from the Dragon Hunter inside the Dragon Dojo.
Talking with the Dragon Hunter will provide you the option to craft any of the three items: Dragonstorm, Volcanic Magnet, and Dragonheart.

Here are the ingredients for the Dragonheart:
- 1 Dragon Egg
- 6 Dinosaur Bones
- 15 Blaze Embers
Sounds simple, right? Here comes the problem: the Dragon Hunter won’t let you craft anything unless you obtain the Dojo Belt (Red). This item is only one of the eight Dojo Belts you need before you can farm the Dragonheart’s ingredients.

You can get each Dojo Belt by completing all the quests from the Dojo Trainer, also located inside the Dragon Dojo. These quests involve tasks that are easier to clear with the help of other players, such as completing Sea Events, trading, and taking down Raid Bosses.
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The Prehistoric Island

Once you reach the task of getting the last Dojo Belt, you must go to the Prehistoric Island and collect some Dinosaur Bones. This island is the place where you can get two of the ingredients for the Dragonheart.
You can find the Prehistoric Island by sailing the sea until you reach Sea Danger Level 6. The island can spawn at any moment for a very low chance, but if you want to make it appear faster, you can craft the Volcanic Magnet from the Dragon Hunter.
Complete the Volcano event in the Prehistoric Island, and you will be rewarded with Dinosaur Bones that are scattered around the location. Some Dragon Eggs will also be seen in the same area, but you won’t be able to pick one of them this time.
Head back to the Dojo Trainer to claim the Dojo Belt (Black).
The Dragon Wizard Quest

In one of the rooms of the Dragon Dojo, you will meet an old NPC called the Dragon Wizard. This guy holds the key for you to harvest the Dragon Egg back in the Prehistoric Island. Talk to him to learn the Dragon Tether ability.
With Dragon Tether, you can finally claim the Dragon Egg you need for your Dragonheart. But before returning to the Prehistoric Island, talk to the Dragon Hunter and select the Hunt dialogue. This will trigger a quest that lets you farm 15 Blaze Embers, the final Dragonheart ingredient.
After completing all the ingredients for the Dragonheart, have the Dragon Hunter craft it for you, and voila! You just obtained a legendary sword that can produce deadly AOE attacks with animations that mimic the burning breath of a terrifying dragon!
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