How to lockpick in Star Wars Outlaws

Amy Chen

Amy Chen


3 min read

Here’s our step-by-step Star Wars Outlaws lockpicking guide.

Your very first questline in Star Wars Outlaws is Beginnings, which involves repairing a broken data spike. However, what happens after Preeban fixes this item for you? Well, you must head into a club through an unconventional approach and then steal an identicard. Read on for our Star Wars Outlaws lockpicking guide. This guide teaches you the basics for the Star Wars Outlaws Beginnings questline and beyond.

Star Wars Outlaws lockpicking guide (Image via
Star Wars Outlaws lockpicking guide (Image via

How to lockpick in Star Wars Outlaws

  1. Located a lock and interact with it
  2. Listen to the sound made by the yellow light
  3. Match the yellow light's sound with your clicks
Lockpicking screenshot (Image via
Lockpicking screenshot (Image via

To lockpick in the game, all you have to do is find a lock and use your data spike on it. Next, pay attention to the sound being made by the yellow light. What you need to do is match that sound with your clicks. Think of it as a rhythm game.

How to lockpick in the game (Image via
How to lockpick in the game (Image via

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Star Wars Outlaws lockpicking tips

You can also close your eyes to concentrate on the sound. Left-click your mouse on PC or press the corresponding button on console whenever you hear it. This should either open the lock in no time or just take a few tries.

Get into locked areas using the data spike (Image via
Get into locked areas using the data spike (Image via

If you're having a lot of trouble with lockpicking, then you can go into your gameplay settings and update the lockpicking difficulty. You can toggle on the lockpicking visual cues as well.

How to change lockpicking difficulty in Star Wars Outlaws

  1. Pause the game
  2. Select "Settings" from the pause menu
  3. Choose the "Gameplay" option
  4. Scroll down to "Lockpicking difficulty"
  5. Choose "Easy" mode
  6. Go to "Lockpicking visual cues" below
  7. Toggle the "On" option

That's it for lockpicking in the game. Stick around on for more guides, news, and updates!