Dhalsim isn’t unlocked in Street Fighter 6 World Tour’s main story mission. Here’s how to unlock him instead:
In Street Fighter 6’s World Tour, you can encounter every single fighter in the game and make them your Master. However, not all of the masters are part of the main story, and must be unlocked through sub missions. Here’s how to find Dhalsim, and unlock all his specials, fighting style, and Super Arts in Street Fighter 6’s World Tour mode.
How to find Dhalsim in Street Fighter 6 World Tour
Before unlocking Dhalsim, you’ll need to be around level 30 in World Tour and having unlocked at least Chapter 9-1 of the main story. After you’ve done that, head to the southern part of Metro City, Bayside Park and find a man called Anik who is selling a statue as part of a quest called The Yoga Statue.

Start this quest, pay the man 7,000 Zeny for the statue, then go away. Go back to his spot at Night and confront him about the rip-off statue. He’ll say no refunds and fight you. After defeated Anik will give you a Travel Ticket and you’ll be able to head to Dhalsimer Temple, India.

Head to India, and enjoy the cutscene. Then speak to Dhalsim and you’ll have unlocked him as a Master!
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How to unlock Dhalsim’s classic outfit, Outfit 2

To unlock Dhalsim’s alternative costume, you’ll need to level up his Bond to the maximum level while he’s your master. You can do this with using his style and sparring with him, but we suggest showering him with gifts.
Dhalsim’s favorite gift is Instant Curry Ultra Mild that you can purchase in Old Nayshall. You can find this out from talking to one of his disciples in the Temple. Max out Dhalsim’s bond and you’ll unlock his Outfit 2!
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