The Finals Build Request Failed error explanation and how to fix

Brandon Moore

Brandon Moore

The Build Request Failed error is a pesky one that can prevent you from playing The Finals, but we’ve got some solutions you can try.

A lot of players often report an error message in The Finals that reads, "Build Request Failed." This is a common issue, and we've got several ways you can try to circumvent it. Not all are foolproof, but they should help you in getting past the problem.

Let us explain the error and how to fix it.

What is The Finals Build Request Failed error?

(Screenshot via
(Screenshot via

Unfortunately, this error message can pop up at anytime. You might be in the main menu trying to find a game, or perhaps you're seconds away from stealing a cashout. Then boom, The Finals delivers the Build Request Failed error.

If you're a console user, you probably have no idea what we are talking about. This is mainly a server issue for PC users. The two specific reasons it appears is because the servers are failing on Embark Studios' end or you aren't properly connected to the internet.

Because of this, you might not even be able to load into The Finals through Steam. Finding matches, matchmaking suspensions, and staying connected are all possible issues when you notice Build Request Failed in The Finals.

How to fix The Finals Build Request Failed

So, how do you fix this error? If you get the Build Requested Failed fatal error message in The Finals, there are a few things you can do:

  • Verify the integrity of the game files through Steam
  • Double check that you are properly connected to the internet
  • Check the official website and social media pages for The Finals to see if there is ongoing maintenance
  • Some users report playing another game for a moment with Easy Anti-Cheat enabled, then going back to The Finals fixes the problem
  • Wait for Embark Studios to advise the issue has been fixed on their end

Everything else you might try is not a known solution to this problem. Things like running the game as an administrator, uninstalling and reinstalling, or even using a VPN to try another region aren't valid fixes for the error.

Stay tuned to for more esports news and The Finals coverage.