Now you have the chance to copy your teammate’s crosshair settings.

One of the great features Riot Games implemented very early into VALORANT was the creative options for a player's crosshair. Unlike in FPS games like Call of Duty where you are limited to a singular crosshair, VALORANT allows players to express their creativity through unique designs and personal colors.

Have you ever spectated a teammate and preferred the crosshair they are using over your own? This article will help you copy their VALORANT crosshair with only a couple of clicks.

How to copy a teammate's crosshair in-game?

Players being able to copy their teammate's crosshair settings mid-game was the highlight of VALORANT patch 5.04. Before, players simply had to ask their fellow players nicely for their crosshair settings, which was not a reliable way of getting a desired crosshair. VALORANT patch 5.04 also saw an increase in the number of crosshair profiles you could have. The size has been increased from ten profiles to fifteen.

  1. To copy a crosshair mid-game, open up the team chat
  2. Enter one of the two following codes "/crosshair copy" or "/cc"
  3. Head on over to crosshair profiles in the settings tab and select your newly saved crosshair
This message should appear, stating the crosshair copy was successful.
This message should appear, stating the crosshair copy was successful.

The spectator problem in Valorant

One of the catches when attempting to copy a crosshair is that you can only do so once you have died during that round. There is no spectator mode for VALORANT like in League of Legends. In LoL, players can drop in on their friend's game and spectate it live. Riot Games is yet to comment on a future spectator mode in VALORANT.

At this time, players are only able to spectate others in team-based modes. This means solo players in Deathmatch and Escalation will not have the opportunity to spectate a player and copy over their VALORANT crosshair settings.

Stay tuned to for the latest VALORANT news and updates.