All characters available in Wuthering Waves. Check who you might want to Convene for next time you find yourself with Astrite to spare.
If you're looking for a list of all characters in Wuthering Waves you've come to the right place. Kuro Games' action RPG Wuthering Waves launched internationally with 16 characters on May 17.
Many of the characters in Wuthering Waves are either throwbacks to characters from their previous title Punishing Gray Raven, or are have similarities with prominent characters in other gacha RPG titles. If you're new to the game or just want to know who you want to Convene for next, here's our breakdown of all the characters you can play.

All Wuthering Waves Characters
Here are all the playable characters in Wuthering Waves:
- Aalto
- Baizhi
- Calcharo
- Chixia
- Danjin
- Encore
- Jianxin
- Jinhsi
- Jiyan
- Lingyang
- Mortefi
- Rover
- Sanhua
- Taoqi
- Verina
- Yangyang
- Yinlin
- Yuanwa

- Star Rating: 4-star
- Element: Aero
- Weapon Type: Pistols
- Role: Sub-DPS
Aalto is a slippery and slick looking gun wielding 4-star Aero character. Story wise he is an information broker, willing to help whoever is offering the best price. In-game his Resonance ability Shift Trick creates Mist to distract enemies, giving him good survivability. He also gains increased speed and damage if he moves or shoots through the Mist (or his Gate of Quandary). A 4-star Wuthering Waves character but with 5-star swagger.

- Star Rating: 4-star
- Element: Glacio
- Weapon Type: Rectifier
- Role: Healer or DMG boost
Baizhi is a free 4-star character you will receive the first time you Convene and she is an excellent allrounder. Baizhi's Resonance Skill and Liberation both offer healing to all party members, she has an all-type damage buff as her outro skill and at higher Resonance Chains can revive a downed ally. Her elegant appearance and demeanour have made her an early favorite with fans.

- Star Rating: 5-star
- Element: Electro
- Weapon Type: Broadblade
- Role: Main-DPS
Calcharo is the leader of the mercenary group, the Ghost Hounds. An antagonist in the world of Wuthering Waves, he also gives off Final Fantasy's Sephiroth vibes. Regarded as one of the most powerful characters in version 1.0, Calcharo can be extremely powerful in the hands of players who can land his combos correctly, but definitely not a Wuthering Waves character for beginners. DPS wise, he's top-drawer.

- Star Rating: 4-Star
- ELement: Fusion
- Weapon: Pistols
- Role: Main-DPS
Chixia is obtained for free at the start of Wuthering Waves and brings a lot of energy and fun to combat and the storyline. In terms of her role, she can be a Main-DPS, and is brilliant against swarms of enemies due to her explosive Resonance Skill and Liberation. She might struggle against very mobile enemies, but Chixia is a bit like Amber in Genshin Impact, she's got your back and that counts for something.

- Star Rating: 4-Star
- Element: Havoc
- Weapon type: Sword
- Role: Main-DPS
Danjin is a member of the Midnight Rangers, a military force charged with protecting the city of Jinzhou. Vanquishing evil, that's her vibe. Similar to Calcharo, Danjin excels in the hands of skilled players able to maximise her DPS with echoes and builds. Danjin Resonance Skill is a big part of her kit but it actually drains HP, so you'll have to actually evade and not button mash to get the best out of her.

- Star Rating: 5-Star
- Element: Fusion
- Weapon Type: Rectifier
- Role: Main-DPS
Encore is a very beginner-friendly character, an angelic-looking girl that is accompanies by two Wooly plushies, Cloudy and Cosmos. Encore's goal in life is simply to make happy stories but don't let her appearance fool you. During her Resonance Ability Cosmos Rave, Encore loses control and goes a bit mental, but in a good way. During Cosmos Rave, all of Encore's abilities are transformed and far more lethal, plus she goes from being ranged to melee allowing her to parry. An extremely fun character to play.

- Star Rating: 5-Star
- Element: Aero
- Weapon Type: Gauntlets
- Role: Sub-DPS
Jianxin is a Taoist Monk who specialises in martial arts who we first encounter within the first couple of hours of the main story. In terms of waifu rating in the Wuthering Waves community, Jianxin is probably top of the list in version 1.0 of Wuthering Waves alongside Yangyang and Baizhi. Jianxin is a good all-rounder who can grant a shield to herself (or her allies), self-heal and even reduce incoming DMG. Her Resonance (Ultimate) can group enemies up, very similar to Sucrose in Genshin Impact.

- Star Rating: 5-Star
- Element: Spectro
- Weapon: Broadblade
- Role: Main-DPS

- Star Rating: 5-Star
- Element: Aero
- Weapon: Broadblade
- Role: Main-DPS
Jiyan is easily an SS-tier character in terms of his kit and DPS. His abilities are by far the most impressive of all the Wuthering Waves launch characters visually, plus he just looks absolutely badass. In-game Jiyan is the leader of the Midnight Rangers intent on taking down the Tacet Discords. Jiyan's AOE damage is disgustingly good and his combos very satisfying.
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- Star Rating: 5-Star
- Element: Glacio
- Weapon: Gauntlet
- Role: Main-DPS
Lingyang is a key part of one of your first primary missions in Wuthering Waves, and is a member of the Liondance Troupe. (Btw did you complete the Liondance Backflip Challenge?) Lingyang's personality makes him one of those characters you either love or hate, very reminiscent of Razor in Genshin Impact or Arlan in Honkai Star Rail. You either view him as the adorable baby boy you wish you could adopt or a tedious distraction. Rather surprisingly, Lingyang is a 5-star character whose hand-to-hand combat can be potent if you can keep him in his Lion State. However, gameplay wise when compared to other 5-star characters, he's underwhelming.

- Star Rating: 4-Star
- Element: Fusion
- Weapon: Pistols
- Role: SUB-DPS
Let's be honest though, a red-headed male "fire" (or Fusion in WuWa) character whose both handsome and OP is a must when it comes to launching a new gacha game. The crazy part is that Mortefi is actually a 4-star! A ranged sub-DPS, Mortefi can both buff his own ATKs or the Heavy Attack of whoever your next character is via his Outro skill (38% Heavy Attack DMG deepen). Meanwhile his Ultimate (Resonance) will allow him to do follow-up attacks. A very impactful character that you'll want to get your hands on!

- Star Rating: 5-Star
- Element: Spectro (Havoc version unlockable after Act 6)
- Weapon: Sword
- Role: Main-DPS
Rover is the protagonist of Wuthering Waves and you can pick between the male or female version when you start the game. Compared to lead characters in other action-RPGs in this genre, both versions of Rover are actually pretty cool. Levelling Rover up is easy, they're an all-rounder and they'll be a decent early game main DPS. That said Rover is a jack-of-all-trades master of none kind of character.

As you learn more about the game and unlock more Wuthering Waves characters, they'll most likely be on the side-lines during combat but front and centre during the story. A Havoc element version of Rover is unlockable after you compete the Act VI Main Quest Grand Warstorm.

- Star Rating: 4-Star
- Element: Glacio
- Weapon: Sword
- Role: Sub-DPS
Character design wise, Sanhua is top notch. A masterful swordswoman whose girl boss energy and confidence make her stand out from many of the other Wuthering Waves launch characters. In terms of her in-game kit, Sanhua can create walls of ice which can be detonated if you time her Heavy Attack perfectly. Plus Sanhua's Outro skill boosts the Basic Attack of the next character, which works well with the likes of Lingyang.
- Star Rating: 4-Star
- Element: Havoc
- Weapon: Broadblade
- Role: Support
The director of border defense at the Ministry of Development, Taoqi is your reliable guardian. While she is often place in the bottom of ranks of most tier lists, she's still popular for two big reasons. No, not those reasons, focus please. The first reason is her strength as a tank to soak up damage via her Rocksteady Defense and Shield. The second is that her Outro Skill grants Resonance Skill DMG Deepen. She's basically Noelle from Genshin Impact except more sultry.

- Star Rating: 5-Star
- Element: Spectro
- Weapon: Rectifier
- Role: Support
Verina is indisputably the best support/healer character in Wuthering Waves in version 1.0. She's also easily one of the top characters in the game overall, bordering on overpowered. As for character design and personality, Verina is also incredibly endearing. Verina can heal herself and allies, she can boost party ATK damage, prevent an ally from a fatal blow and her Outro skills gives an All-Type DMG buff.

- Star Rating: 4-Star
- Element: Aero
- Weapon: Sword
- Role: Support
The soft spoken and gentle Yangyang is an outrider of the Midnight Rangers. She is a free 4-star Aero character who is unlocked at the start of the main story. Unlike other characters that offer a DMG buff as their Outro skill when you swap character, Yangyang replenishes Energy, making her a high-value support for Ultimate-focused characters such as Encore. DMG wise she's not the best but Waifu-meter has her at a 10/10, plus she's free.
Interestingly the Japanese voice actress for Yangyang is also the voice actress for Clorinde in Genshin Impact as well as Stelle, the lead character in Honkai Star Rail.

- Star Rating: 5-Star
- Element: Electro
- Weapon: Rectifier
- Role: Sub-DPS or DPS
Yinlin was initially a version 1.1 5-character, but was released early as a token of appreciation for the game's rocky launch, much to the delight of Wuthering Waves players. Yinlin was insanely popular both pre and post-release. Yinlin is a 5-Star Electro character with insane levels of swagger. She deals excellent AoE damage while in battle, but can also buff allies out of battle through her Outro Skill. In terms of personality she's very reminiscent of Kafka from Honkai Star Rail, and you'd expect Yinlin to remain a fan favorite for the forseeable future.

- Star Rating: 4-Star
- Element: Electro
- Weapon: Gauntlet
- Role: Sub-DPS
Yuanwa is the owner of a boxing gym so unsurprisingly he's a melee character. He also can be unlocked for free via the Tower of Adversity. Yuanwa's biggest strength is his Outro skill which reduces the Vibration Strength of enemies, essentially debuffing them to make them easier targets. It's super useful for big enemies, but outside of that and his blue hair and polite demeanor, Yuanwa is one of the weakest of all the launch characters. But hey, if you like a well-respected gentleman, he's your man.