How to spam emotes in Black Ops 6

Brandon Moore

Brandon Moore

Want to be extra annoying after winning? Then you can spam emotes in the Winner’s Circle after a Black ops 6 victory.

Emoting is a wonderful way to express yourself in gaming. Just look at the likes of Fortnite, Apex Legends, and Call of Duty. For the latter, in Black Ops 6, you get the chance to emote in the Winner's Circle after a game. Some Black Ops 6 players have learned how to spam those emotes.

In a typical situation, you see your Operator in the Winner's Circle and get the chance to deliver an emote to flex on the losing team. Well, there's a trick where you pause the game in order to dish out that emote over and over again.

How to spam an emote in the Black Ops 6 Winner's Circle

The steps are fairly simple, but unless someone tells you how to pull it off, you'd probably have no idea. It is definitely a glitch, bug, or exploit of some kind. And it may get patched by Treyarch someday, so get your spamming in while you can.

Once you hit this screen, back out and you can emote again (Screenshot via
Once you hit this screen, back out and you can emote again (Screenshot via

Do the following to spam emotes in Black Ops 6:

  1. Assign the emote you want to spam in the Customize section of the Barracks
  2. Be one of the top three players on your team and win a match in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6
  3. Press the corresponding button to perform the emote while in the Winner's Circle
  4. Press the button to pause the game, which is default ESC on keyboard or Options on PS5
  5. Back out and press the button to emote again
  6. Repeat those steps until the Winner's Circle segment ends

If you pause and back out, it resets the ability to do an emote. Just keep doing that and you can spam emotes in Black Ops 6. One of the more popular ones is the Shush emote. It is unlocked by default and you can make everyone in the lobby hear the constant shushing noise from your Operator.

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