Gran Turismo World Series 2025 unveils four in-person events

Eugene Bozhenko

Eugene Bozhenko

The offline racing esports tournaments take place in four cities across the globe. To participate, anyone can try their hand at the online qualifiers.

This game is absolutely legendary! Gran Turismo copies real-world racing with excellent precision. It is awesome to have fun casually driving the best cars in the world. And the virtual environment is accurate enough for serious racing competition.

Gran Turismo World Series 2025 is the game's next official esports circuit. A great thing about it is that absolutely anyone with the PlayStation 5 and Gran Turismo 7 can participate in the online qualifiers. Only exceptional skills and dedication can help drivers advance to the live in-person events — and probably even win these Gran Turismo esports tournaments.

Everything about this Gran Turismo esports circuit is here: the schedule, where to watch, and more.

Online qualifiers

The racing esports season starts in April for Gran Turismo. The online qualifiers offer two options in the game’s Sport Mode.

  • Manufacturer Cup — To drive for your favorite car brand. The first qualifier is from April 2 to April 19.
  • Nations Cup — To represent your country. This series within the official Gran Turismo 7 esport circuit kicks off from April 23 to May 10.

The detailed schedule for this starting set of Gran Turismo World Series 2025 online qualifiers is in the image below. For other details, check out this official page.

Schedule for the qualifiers (Image via Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Schedule for the qualifiers (Image via Sony Interactive Entertainment)

Live in-person events

The main tournaments of this racing esports series happen offline in front of an audience. The Gran Turismo World Series 2025 events take place in four cities across the planet. Here is the schedule for them.

  • June 7 — London, U.K.
  • Sep. 20 — Berlin, Germany
  • Nov. 8 — Los Angeles, U.S.
  • Dec. 20 to Dec. 21 — Fukuoka, Japan
Offline events schedule (Image via Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Offline events schedule (Image via Sony Interactive Entertainment)

Where to watch Gran Turismo World Series 2025

Head to the official Gran Turismo TV channel on YouTube to watch the World Series 2025 streams. All of the in-person events are broadcast there.

How real is Gran Turismo racing? A story from the movie

Gran Turismo esports can allow virtual drivers to sit in a real car and participate in real-world races. This story is nicely shown in the Gran Turismo movie, which is available on Netflix. It is based on the career of Jann Mardenborough.

Some additional training is essential to make this transition between the racing dimensions. But even if you are not going to take these steps, it is still impressive to understand the level of details in a racing game. 

Somehow, the story from the Gran Turismo movie makes the esports series even more interesting.

That’s everything about the Gran Turismo World Series 2025. For all gaming news and updates, stick around on!