Battlegrounds Lobby Legends’ first tournament will happen this weekend with $50k in prizes. Check all the details here!

Finally, Battlegrounds will have its time on Hearthstone Esport’s big screen with Lobby Legends this weekend. The top 16 players will compete for a share of the $50,000 in prizes. What’s also new is that players and community members will be able to co-stream this Battlegrounds Lobby Legends event. Who is playing, and where to watch this event!

Battlegrounds Lobby Legends: Raid Leaders details

The first Hearthstone Battlegrounds competitive event will take place this April 2nd and 3rd with Raid Leaders. The top 16 players worldwide have battled their way through the ladder and then the qualifier tournament. With $50,000 on the line, this Battlegrounds Lobby Legends tournament will be spicy as a Chef Nomi dish. You have just missed an elemental, by the way.

The 16 players competing in Battlegrounds Lobby Legends were sorted out into two different groups. There were some suspicions about Jandice Barov changing some names from one side to the other. However, the Hearthstone Esports team presented irrefutable proof about the subject with the video of the Lobby Legends: Raid Leaders TOTALLY NOT RIGGED Lobby Draw.

Battlegrounds Players ended up divided into these two groups for the Raid Leaders Lobby Legends event.

Group A

Group B

How to watch Battlegrounds Lobby Legends

Raid Leaders, Battlegrounds Lobby Legends’ first event will have a unique coverage. Firstly, Hearthstone Esports will be back on Twitch, and that its some big news. Despite this, the broadcast will also have a YouTube mirror. These are the different channels in which you can watch the official streams for the the Raid Leaders tournament:

Unlike Hearthstone Grandmasters, this event will allow competitors to stream their point of view. Moreover, Hearthstone Esports opened the gate for content creators to apply for co-streaming permits in an effort to spike viewership. If you are wondering if your favorite streamer will be covering Battlegrounds Lobby Legends, check this list:

If you want to apply to co-stream the next Battlegrounds Lobby Legends event, make sure you fill in this form.

Tournament Structure: New Check Format

The top 16 players from all over the world will be competing across the weekend for $50,000 in prizes. To begin with, on Saturday, each of the above-mentioned grouped players will compete against each other to see who accumulates the most points in three games. The top four players from each group will compete on Sunday in Battlegrounds Lobby Legends Finals.

Battlegrounds point system
Battlegrounds point system

The second step will take place On Sunday, where things will get a little trickier since Hearthstone Esports will be experimenting with a new format: Check. The 8 competitors will still compete to accumulate points but with a twist.

Under this format, to claim the Tournament victory, players will first need to put the lobby in check by accumulating 20 points. So, after putting the lobby in check, the players that reached that 20 points threshold will need to win a Lobby to claim the Tournament victory.

If after this explanation you are still lost as a Hero without its Buddy, feel free to check Hearthstone’s official blog post or Battlegrounds Lobby Legends rulebook for more details.

That is all for now, stay tuned to for more Hearthstone news and updates. See you next time, in Bob’s tavern.