League of Legends is changing the honor system again to make the game environment less toxic. The community seems to like these new changes.

League of Legends honor system is about to change (again). Riot Games is trying hard to make the game less toxic and more enjoyable for the players. After giving players the chance to even honor enemies for their gameplay, there will now exist new changes like losing the ability to write on all chat or have a special honor recall and skins. Let's dive into it.

New changes

"Your Honor is an evaluation of your interactions with other players over time. High Honor is reserved for those who consistently demonstrate good behavior", we can read on the leaked images. The new system will be based on your performance in-game and potential teammates' and enemies' honors, communication, and coordination. You'll need to be respectful, friendly, and helpful in the chat comms. You need to make good use of pings, emotes, fistbumps, and other tools to coordinate with your team and achieve better results but if you use your pings, for example, to disturb, you'll have consequences.

Honor system parameters to evaluate players (Image via Riot Games)
Honor system parameters to evaluate players (Image via Riot Games)

Honor system: all the levels

Level 1

According to the leaks, if you're constantly disruptive in League of Legends, the Honor system will reflect that. Your access to the all chat, champ select chat, and post-game chat will be removed, and you'll not going to receive any ranked split rewards. "Guys it’s easy to get honor 5, just don’t be racist or tell people to unalive themselves", a player commented on X.

Level 2

Although these players have been disruptive in the last games and not in every game, level two is like a warning for them to change their behavior. Like the level one players, they won't have access to all chat or ranked split rewards.

Level 3

On level three, we talk about players who are normally well-behaved with their team. However, they're still not consistent enough to deserve more rewards. They will have battle pass XP drops, access to every chat channel, and ranked split rewards.

Level 4

One step ahead from "greatness." Level four players are consistently positive, respectful, and collaborative. They'll have everything in honor three plus increased battle pass XP drops, an honor emblem that appears on the loading screen, and more frequent pings and emotes allowed. Being friendly brings good things, remember that.

Level 5

We're talking about exceptional players whose behavior is an example. They'll have everything in level four plus a maximum battle pass XP drops, an honor emblem appearing in chat, a special honor recall, and current plus past honor skins unlocked. Think like this: good behavior, more skins. Nevertheless, you shouldn't be toxic or aggressive to your teammates.

Honor four and five rewards for well-behaved players (Image via Riot Games)
Honor four and five rewards for well-behaved players (Image via Riot Games)

Everyone starts on the same level

According to Riot Heronic Bird, everyone will start on level three. There won't be resets and you can only go down if you take penalties because of your behavior. There is nothing to worry about if you're a well-behaved player. And, for the ones returning to the game, there won't be resets so you'll be receiving the honor you deserve according to your behavior on the next games.

Mixed reactions about the new honor system

On X, there are mixed reactions from the players, but they're positive overall. Some called this system a bad idea, but others think it's a great one since "it incentives people to be nice and punishes those who are still being assholes".

Other players are afraid of being reported "just for having a bad game" which can influence your honor system. People are also demanding for Riot Games their "mass report system" before putting these changes on the system. Otherwise, it seems that the League of Legends community is seeing this change as positive and impactful.

That's all for now. Stick around for more League of Legends news and updates on esports.gg.